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Paris Carter | RiRi
Atlanta, Ga

It's a cool, sunny Friday afternoon, and the gym is buzzing with anticipation. I was determined and slightly nervous. I stretched on the gym floor, my mind racing through the cheer routine Serai and I had perfected over countless hours on FaceTime last night.

Despite my nerves, I am ready; I've been living and breathing this routine, confident that I could perform it in my sleep. My nerves, however, are a persistent companion. I'm on the edge, wanting to bite my nails but restraining myself due to my recent tumbling session.

Taking a deep breath, I walked out of the gym momentarily. I had decided to call her JayJay for a last-minute pep talk, only to find my call met with the all-too-familiar "FaceTime unavailable" message.

I whispered to myself in frustration, "Come on JayJay. Where are you" noting his recent odd behavior. Lately, he had been staying out later, even on school nights. He had really been MIA.

Before I could dwell on it further, NyNy calls out to me, breaking my train of thought. "RiRi, everything gone be straight. I told you, you're better than them hoes. Now come on cause coach A ass bout to get on my nerves" she said with a mix of encouragement and urgency.

I took another deep breath, my resolve strengthening as I headed back into the gym, greeted by the entire team and the palpable tension of the tryouts.

Jade aint got picked once, so I wasn't worried about her having any upper hands although she had made it her duty to befriend half the team these past few weeks.

Coach A announced that the selection will be democratic, with the team voting but her having the final say. This does little to calm my nerves, especially with the presence of two additional judges focusing on conduct and technique.

"Ladies, please come get your numbers and line up please" Coach A said, she was stood behind the white table that was covered in various scoring sheets and papers.

I confidently grabbed number 1 and lined up, cause why not? I'm obviously that girl. I reminded myself of my worth and the hard work I had put in.

It was crunch time and I had to get out my head and stop psyching myself out.

Soon the team was silenced, and the tryouts began. "Ladies please introduce yourself. Start with your name and your grade" Coach A said, she pointed to me signaling for me to start.

"Hey y'all my name is Paris Carter and I'm in 11th grade" I said stepping forward, the judges laughed a bit writing stuff on their paper.

Damn, already twin. I didn't even say none for real.

Jade went next, of course she did the absolute most, majority of the girls on the team cheered for her.

Alright bruh, take it out your mouth now.

Following the introductions, the two additional coaches introduced themselves as well, they seemed nice. Coach A began talking shortly after, "Thank you ladies. Now team I know these are your friends up here but please, we ask that you show everyone today respect as they try out." Coach A sets the stage for a respectful competition, emphasizing the importance of fair play and encouragement.

The team filled the room with head nods and a few "okays". "Ok ladies, spread out please. We are going to start with a skill check." One of the other coaches said. I walked to the end of the mat, being sure to have room on each side of me.

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