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Abhimaan's pov :

I stood there still all along with my back facing her ...as she held me tightly from the back as if I will vanish into thin air ...if her hold got a tiny bit loose ...confessing her trust in me....confiding in her intentions beneath the act that she put infront of those people ...

Today was already too much for me to digest ....this new found information is adding more weight to my mind ...so much that it started to ache ...

So...she trusted me all this time....she didn't doubt me....so ...I can stop myself from digging more into my memories of previous day that could have knowingly or unknowingly led to the death of my dad ..Sharad Rajvansh ?

Yes ...with Amara's siding with those people accusing me of this ...I have began to doubt myself of being the culprit too...I began self accusing myself ...

So ...what if I'm the culprit actually ...?

What would happen if it's revealed in the future that I was directly or indirectly the reason behind his murder ...?

So I voiced it out to her

"What if I say I'm the culprit actually ?"

She was silent ....making a dread fill my heart ...

Then her hold on my body tightened as she slowly spoke bringing me out of my thoughts ...

"It's ok ..."


"If u r the culprit ...u might have a valid reason behind it...so ...it's ok ...whatever it is ...I'm with u Mann....I'm always with u " she said placing soft kisses on my back .

I released a breath that I didn't know I have been holding ...as a lone tear fell from my eye...while a small smile of gratitude emerged on my lips ...which she obviously cannot see ..as I was facing away from her ..

" I told u everything ...pls forgive me Mann...pls...I will say sorry and make it up to u for the rest of our lives ...I swear !!" She continued

I stood still without answering ....as I was pondering whether or not ...I can forgive her this easily ...

She wasn't completely at fault ...but I was hurt nevertheless ...so ...

" Say something Mann...pls don't stay silent ...scold me if u want ...curse
me ...but pls don't stay silent .."

I suddenly got an idea ....

" Hmm..."I just just hummed at her at first

"Really!!! ...thank u thank u ...thank u so much baby.....I swear ...I won't disappoint u again.....I will make it up to u..."

Saying this she tried to turn me around so as to face me

But I smirked and refused to do so ...she tried to come infornt of me to face me ...I turned to the other side...

Uh..huh ..not soo soon baby...

" w-what are u doing ?" She asked

I made my voice as innocent and as hurt little puppy as possible "just what my lovely wife asked me to do ..."

" Huh?"

"My face is "filthy face " remember ? She asked me not to show her my "filthy face "..and asked my "filthy face " to get the fuck out ...and called my "filthy face" selfish ...and ..". I began ranting out all the things she had done to me today

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