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Amara's pov:

After a long wait the Reception finally ended ....and guests left ...everyone departed to their respective rooms ...Abhi and I were about to leave together to our room ..but Priya aunty intervened and took me along with her to give a send off to one our relatives ....making me sigh tiredly..

As I was giving send off ....I observed that it began drizzling ....after sending the guests off....I walked into our room and jumped onto our bed ....thinking that Abhi might be in the changing room ...

I waited for 10 min....and he's not out of the room yet ...I knocked the door ...only to find it unlocked already...I peeped inside to find it empty ....

He's not here ....I called him ...only to find it to be switched off....I searched the study ...but it is empty too ...

I decided to check the balcony and if he's not there too ....I will search for him downstairs .....

As I opened the blinds covering the balcony door ...I saw Abhi standing in the rain ...looking aimlessly outside

I immediately rushed out to him...."Mann...what are doing out here ....it's raining....come inside ....u will get sick "I tried to pull him by his hand ...

He didn't budge at all ...."Mann..."..."Please Amara ...u go inside ....I need some time here ...alone "
He pleaded not even looking at me....

Leave him alone ...my foot ....not happening ...."ok...fine...stand here all u want....I'll stand here too...I too need some time here "I stated stubbornly

"Amara....pls ...it's raining ...."He finally looked at me "pls Amara go inside....u know u are sensitive ...u will catch a cold easily "he pleaded

Though my heart melted at his care for me.....I hated that he called me Amara....which is unusual ....he always called me with a pet name from our marriage ...mostly ...Jaan

"So that's it?....it's Amara now ....I am no more ur Jaan...because u are fucking guilty Maan..guilty for trying to kiss me ?? !!"I asked gritting my teeth .....how dare he ....

He took a deep breath ...."Amara....I can't right now ....pls get inside ....it's raining and u are drenched "

Trying to control ur anger huh ? Well baby not happening ...I'm gonna rile u up completely

"Answer the damn question Mr.Rajvansh ..I'll get inside if u did !!!" I demanded....

He spoke something incoherently as if curisng me ??and blurted "Yes!!!Yes I'm feeling guilty that I tried to kiss u damn it !!!!!....it was never in my intention to make u uncomfortable ...that's why I left....unable to face u...I was ashamed of myself ...I still am....that won't ever happen again ...I promise......ok ..I answered ...now...inside "He pointed at the door ...

"Don't make promises that u can't keep for fucks sake !!!"I shot  back at him...

He frowned at it "what the hell are u talking about ?"

"That won't ever happen again ???!!....tell me...that won't ??"I explained what I was getting at

How could he do that to me....I want much more that to happen ...again and again ...and he is making these stupid promises !!!this man!!!

ALWAYS YOUNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ