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Abhimaan's pov:

I have been knocking on the door from inside ...but Amara didn't reply at least .....that made me anxious because it's been 10 min already ....

I doubt if she's even in the room.....after a few more minutes ....she replied ..."Mann....pls wait ....I will let u out...I'm arranging something ....u will know when u r out ....so have some patience ....u are almost breaking the door with all ur knocking "

I replied "oh...okok...I will wait ....don't run here and there ..u will fall....don't need to hurry ...understood ?"

She replied "yes  daddy "and I heard footsteps moving away from the door

Wait what!!? ....she did not just do that ...fuck ...I'm getting not so innocent scenarios in my mind...and the images of her devouring my lips earlier flashed in my eyes adding on to my carnal desires   ...I guess I could use a cold shower ...

And ladies and gentlemen...thats what I did ...I used this time to have another shower ...or I might add.... a long cold shower to control my desires ....

I sighed a breath of relief after she gave a reply  ....because I made many worst scenarios in my mind like Ayaan saw us kissing ...barged into the room....took Amara and locked the bathroom door so he could hurt her without any interruptions ....

I know it's crazy ....but yeah ...I'm crazy ...I can't help it...

Just when I was about to knock the door again to ask her about the status of her "arrangement "..she opened the door...

She didn't even give me a chance to react because ....she immediately approached me and closed my eyes with her palm....

As I was about to ask her about this ...she herself cleared my doubt "It's a surprise love ....so walk with me slowly into the room ...ok ?...don't open ur eyes. ..open them after I count 3 "

I was so confused about it  that ...I just nodded ...but she thankfully seemed to understand my acceptance as she led me slowly into the room...and she counted "1....2.....anddd.....t....h....r.....e....e.....3"

And I was shocked ....as I slowly opened my eyes

as I slowly opened my eyes

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The room is dimly lit ...with red heart shaped balloons decorated around the room....and rose petals adorning the floor .....

The couch is pushed to the bed with a bottle of wine and a cake settled on it along with few beautiful petals sprinkled all over it ...

And Happy Birthday balloons hanging to the wall behind the bed ...

Its my birthday today.....?

ALWAYS YOUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora