Season 2 Chapter 13: 24-Hour Endurance Road Race

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The scene opens up at the Fiore branch of the Magic Council where all the guild masters were gathered together after Makarov made an announcement about having important news for them.

Makarov: This will be a difficult time for all of us. This isn't a fight that can be ignored by anyone. They'll appear before you and destroy everything in sight.

Mermaid Heel Master: You really expect us to believe that? Surely the Wizard Saints, us, and other S-class wizards can handle them.

Makarov: There will be two people that are of a race that take over planets as if it were child's play. So, no. The chances of us being able to handle that are very slim.

Twilight Ogre Master: Have you gone senile? None of what you're saying is true.

Makarov: As much as I hoped it wasn't, this is all true.

Twilight Ogre Master: Show us proof! I might believe you if you show me proof. *scoffs* Strong enough to take over planets.

Ignoring his fellow guild master's rude tone, the other guild masters agreed that they needed proof of such a threat's existence.

Makarov: I'm sure everyone here is familiar with the incident with Demon King Piccolo. Three of my S-class wizards and two wizards close to that level were accompanied by myself when this threat took over Crocus. He defeated all of us and was about to defeat Erza Scarlet when this young man stepped in.

Makarov turns on the lacrima as it projects a video of Goku fighting Demon King Piccolo on equal terms.

Makarov: This man is Son Goku, a wizard in my guild and the first Z-class wizard.

Goldmine: He's that kid we saw with your other wizards when they took down Lullaby.

Makarov: He's also a Saiyan. I believe he can be a major player in this fight.

This shocks all of the guild masters as they couldn't believe Makarov had one of the incoming threats in his own guild.

Mermaid Heel Master: You speak of an incoming threat but you have one in your guild? How do we know that he's not on their side?!

Makarov: He's never shown any hostile signs to anyone in or outside of the guild. Not to mention, he's been raised to be a cheerful and kind lad by his late grandfather. The chances of him betraying the guild is non-existent.

Goldmine: All right. We know what kind of beasts to expect to come now. So what should we do about this problem?

Makarov: We'll prepare ourselves as best as possible. But if we do win, I can't guarantee we'll get out of this battle without major losses.


[ Time Skip ]

It has been a few days since the guild master meeting and the guilds have been doing their best to prepare for the upcoming battle.

As for Fairy Tail, Makarov decided to give his already hard working wizards a break and hold a fun event. All the citizens of Magnolia were gathered together in the park as today was Fairy Tail's annual 24 hour road race with all their wizards participating.

Jason: So cool! This yearly event has finally come again! Fairy Tail's annual mandatory-for-all-wizards 24-Hour Endurance Road Race. Commentating the race is yours truly— Jason, reporter for Sorcerer Weekly! I'm gonna cover this major event so cool yet so hot!

Jason then looks at the contestant pool and sees Jet who has won every single road race.

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