Season 1 Chapter 13 : The Phantom Lord

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The scene opens to the streets of Magnolia where Team Natsu was walking back to the guild after finishing a job.

Natsu : Whew! That was a great job!

Happy : The client was generous, too!

Gray : And you have me to thank for making such quick work of it.

Natsu : Huh?! What are you talking about? You just butt in without asking!

Gray : I thought it'd be too much for you guys to handle.

The two wizards then immediately glare at each other and start to argue while Goku and Lucy just watch them.

Natsu : Want me to show you if it's too much or not?!

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Natsu : Want me to show you if it's too much or not?!

Gray : That doesn't even make sense!

Erza gets in between both male wizards and pushes them away from each other and stops their argument.

Erza : Enough playing.

Goku : And put your clothes back on.

Gray : Uppa!

Happy : That's not fair! That's my reaction line!

As Goku hands Gray his pants, Lucy walks up to her friends as she was confused why they even came with her since it was a simple job.

Lucy : Uh, I'm sorry to interrupt, but...

Natsu : Huh?

Lucy : I had originally planned to do this job by myself... Why did you all come along?

Natsu : Isn't that obvious?

Lucy : How do you figure?

Goku : It's 'cause we're the strongest team in all of Fairy Tail!

Happy : Aye!

Gray : There you have it.

Lucy : *happy* Well, okay!

Natsu : Between me, Happy, Erza, Goku, and Underwear, we can pull off any job at all!

Gray : Don't call me Underwear.

Erza : Yes. We make a reassuring team.

Happy : Aye!

Lucy : What about me?!

Goku : *laughs* We're just teasing! Don't cry, Oopy!

Lucy : I'm not crying, and I'm not "Oopy"!

Erza : My apologies. I let myself get carried away. I hurt an ally. I will never feel at ease until I make amends. For now, could you please hit me?!

Lucy : I'm not sure if it's okay to make a joke or not...

Natsu : I wouldn't if I were you.

Goku chuckles from Lucy and Erza's reaction as he pats the scarlet-haired wizard on the back when he suddenly hears the sound of whispering from not too far away. He turns around and see that the whispering was coming from the citizens of the city.

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