Pfff... it was the truth... the whole time!

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Mina: Did you guys hear the news about Midoriya?

Tsu: Yeah, apparently he's been exposed as a mafia boss!

Iida: What? That can't be true!

Kirishima: Aizawa-sensei said so, but I don't believe it. Midoriya's not like that.

Kaminari: Maybe it's just a misunderstanding?

Ojiro: I hope so. I can't imagine Midoriya being involved in anything shady.

Sero: Same here. He's always been a stand-up guy.

Todoroki: And what did I say earlier?

Uraraka: BUT!

Dandelion: Fucking shut up Todoroki, you are being annoying.

ClassMom: How about you explain then? You called him boss.

Jiro: But what if he is a member and will say something  to cover his tracks?

Tokoyami: He is here with us no? Revelry in the dark! He is one of us but also not? This is too complicated.

Aoyama: Oui! 

Mineta: I wonder if he'll have to go to court and stuff. Maybe we'll get to see him in a fancy suit!

ClassMom: Let's not speculate on legal matters. He is still the person we all know.

Izuku went online

Izuku: True, I am still the same person.

Mina: Hey, Midoriya, if you really are a mafia boss, does that mean you've got some cool underworld connections?

Izuku: I have more than that.

Tsu: Ribbit... Say what?!

Todoroki: I hate to say it, but... I told you so.

Iida: You were right, but I still don't think accusing him of being a mafia boss was appropriate.

Todoroki: BUT I WAS RIGHT! He confessed in here after all. Midoriya is the head of a powerful mafia family, and Bakugo has been his childhood friend and bodyguard all along.

Kaminari: You've got to be kidding me... Bakubro?!!!!

Ojiro: I thought they hate each other?!

Sero: Same here.

Todoroki: I tknow I am right!  Midoriya explained everything. It's all true... my theories are not a lie!

Izuku: Yes, it's true. I've been keeping it a secret for a long time, but I can't hide it anymore... I mean I had to protect you all from Shigaraki.

Dandelion: Well fuck this....

Izuku: I didn't want anyone to get hurt because of me. Being the head of a mafia family comes with a lot of risks, and I didn't want to involve any of you in that. Besides I am here because I really want to be a hero.

Jiro: But why tell us now?

Izuku: Because the truth always comes out eventually and you all saw me fight Shigaraki plus Aizawa knows and said it too... I thought I should tell it to you all personally too.  And I'd rather you hear it from me than from someone else.... tho I know I am late on that part.

Uraraka: I can't believe this... Does that mean you're a criminal, Midoriya?

Izuku: No, I try to do what's right within the confines of my situation. But sometimes, things aren't as black and white as they seem. I usually clean up the underground and make sure nothing too cray is happening.

Aoyama: Mon Dieu! This changes everything...

Tokoyami: So, are we like, friends with a mafia boss now?

Izuku: I hope so. But if any of you want to distance yourselves from me because of this, I understand.

Mina: Pfff... you really thought you can get rid of us this way?

Kaminari: Agreed. But I still can't believe this... but we stick together. 

Mina: Can we just take a moment to thank Midoriya for saving our lives at the USJ? We haven't done that yet.

Tsu: Yes, absolutely! We owe you a huge debt of gratitude.

Iida: Indeed.

Kirishima: And let's not forget how he stood up to Shigaraki without hesitation and exposed himself... I am sure there was another way but bro he was soo manly and did it for us!!!

Kaminari: Yeah, you were like a real hero out there!

Ojiro: I don't know what we would've done without you. You really saved the day.

Sero: Totally. 

Todoroki: True but I was right!!!

Uraraka: Deku, thank you for being there for us when we needed you the most.

Dandelion: Now they fucking thank you huh....

Mineta: I guess being friends with a mafia boss does have its perks, huh?

ClassMom: Mineta, please show some respect. 

Izuku: Thank you, everyone. We're a team, and we look out for each other, right? I didn't do anything special than that.

Mina: Still, you were the one who faced Shigaraki head-on. That takes serious guts... and you didn't even hesitate to save us all.

Izuku: I just did what anyone would've done in that situation. But thank you for your kind words.

Tsu: Ribbit...Not everyone... especially not a maffia boss. 

Iida: Agreed. Which is why we will be there for you as well. You showed us how to act like a true hero. Background doesn't matter.

Shoji: Yeah.

Izuku: And I will continue act as I did until now. Nothing changed and I hope you all can accept me like this.

Everyone agreed.


A/N: Thanks for reading this shirt chatfic story. I hope you enjoyed it and it could brighten up your day a bit. 

Hey Boss! What's next? (chatfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora