Party at the pool?!

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Uraraka: Hey, everyone, you won't believe what I just saw at the pool! 

Tsu: What happened, Uraraka? 🐸

Ojiro: Don't keep us in suspense! 

Uraraka: I was passing by the pool, and I saw... Aizawa-sensei floating on a giant inflatable duck! 🦆

Koda: Aizawa-sensei? Floating on a duck? That doesn't sound like him. 

Todoroki: Are you sure it was him? 

Uraraka: Positive! He had his sleeping bag wrapped around him and everything. 🛌

Jiro: That's... unexpected. 

Izuku: A whole new level and training to sleep on water?!

Mina: Or maybe he's just taking a nap in the sun! 

Izuku: We should go talk to him and make sure everything's okay. 

ClassMom: I'll come with you. 

Aoyama: Oh là là! A poolside investigation! Count me in! 🏊‍♂️🕵️‍♂️

Sero: I'll bring the snacks! 🍿

Kaminari: And I'll bring the sunscreen! Can't forget to protect our hero teachers from the sun. ☀️😎

Dandelion: You're fucking stupid.

Hagakure: Yeah... I think Aizawa would definitely not let this go.

Kirishima: Bro... how did he even get there?! We went to look around there too!

Uraraka: We don't want to startle him if he's asleep. 🤫

Todoroki: But that is the point isn't it?

Aoyama: Ah, the suspense is killing me! What is going on?!

Hagakure: I can see him up ahead. He looks... oddly peaceful.... is this really our AIZAWA-sensei?

Sero: How did he even get there?

Izuku went offline

Uraraka went offline

ClassMom went offline

Hagakure: The others are tying to get him out... we couldn't wake him with screaming. 

Iida: Should we inform Recovery Girl?

Hagakure: Izuku is already on the way with the teacher in his hands.

Todoroko: He must be out cold.

Hagakure: Yup and Momo went to Aizawa to tell him that we found our sleeping Caterpillar.

Mina: Can you imagine if it was a unicorn instead of a duck? 

Jiro: Yeah, with rainbow-colored feathers and everything! 

Dandelion: The hell?! Where do you even fucking get that?!

Mina: Recourses!

Dandelion: Damn, didn't know that existed.

Tsu: Yellow kinda suits him tho!

Shoji: Imagine hero training like that on a floaty!

Sero: It'd definitely make hero training more interesting! 😂

Aoyama: Oh, the fabulousness! The glory! The sheer magnificence of it all! 🌟

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