Freaking the freak out!

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ClassMom: Hey everyone, has anyone seen Mr. Aizawa? He's not in the faculty room.

Sero: Maybe he's sleeping in his sleeping bag again somewhere in the school?

Aoyama: I am sure he is just away on important business! 

Mina: Chill, Aoyama. He probably just went to buy more instant noodles.

Tsu: Should we split up and search different areas of the school?

Izuku: Let's wait for now.. it's not even about half an hour after class start.

Hagakure: Or maybe we could check his usual hiding spots? Like behind the gym equipment or in the supply closet.

Iida: I agree with Tsu. Let's form search parties and comb through the school systematically. 

Jiro: I'll check the music room and the training grounds.

Kirishima: I'll go with Jiro. Two heads are better than one!

Kaminari: I'll tag along too. 

Koda: I can search the outdoor areas. Maybe he's taking a nap under a tree.

Izuku: Chill guys! He might be just sleeping!!!

Sato: I'll search the cafeteria and kitchen. Maybe he's sneaking a snack.

Shoji: I'll search the training facilities and the tech labs.

Sero: I'll go with Shoji. We'll cover the areas.

Todoroki: I'll search outside the school grounds.

Tokoyami: I'll come with you, Todoroki. The darkness is with us!!!

Uraraka: I'll search the administrative offices. Maybe he went to talk to Principal Nezu about something.

Mineta: And I'll... um... I'll supervise from here! Someone's gotta make sure the class doesn't fall apart, right?





Mina: Guys, I found his sleeping bag near the sports field! But he's not here.

Kirishima: Jiro, Kaminari, and I checked the music room and training grounds. No sign of him.

Izuku: Ojiro and I searched the upper floor classrooms. No luck so far.

Sero: Shoji and I scoured the underground areas. Nothing.

Todoroki: Tokoyami and I didn't find him outside the school either.

Uraraka: The administrative offices are empty. Maybe he left a note?

Tsuyu: Ribbit... I checked the pool area, but he wasn't there.

Hagakure: No sign of him in the supply closet or behind the gym equipment.

Iida: Alright, everyone. It seems Mr. Aizawa is nowhere to be found within the school premises. We should inform Principal Nezu immediately and possibly contact the authorities. Mr. Aizawa would never leave his sleeping bag like that.

ClassMom: Agreed. I am coming with you.ities.

Aoyama: Sacré bleu! This is a crisis! Our beloved teacher is missing!

Mina: Let's not jump to conclusions, guys. There could be a logical explanation.

Jiro: Yeah, like maybe he got caught up in some hero business and had to leave in a hurry.

Izuku: CAN YOU ALL CHILL FOR A MOMENT!!!!  He's probably just sleeping in a really weird spot.... we just couldn't find. Besides one free class, why not enjoy this?!

Mineta: Can't we just wait here and hope he shows up?

Sato: True.... 

ClassMom: You all go back to the classroom. I'll go with Iida and check with Nezu what is going on.

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