Where are they?

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Aoyama: Bonjour, mes amis! Has anyone seen Deku or Bakugo today?

ClassMom: I was just about to ask the same thing! They've both been absent from class all day.

Mina: Yeah, it's weird. And I tried texting Deku, but no response.

Tsu: Maybe they're both sick?

Hagakure: But wouldn't they at least text or call to let us know?

Iida: It's not like Midoriya to miss class without informing anyone. And where's Mr. Aizawa? We have a substitute teacher today.

Jiro: Maybe Bakugo did some shit and Midoriya saved him? Aizawa is teaching them a lesson? Sounds about right.

Kirishima: That sounds more like Deku did something and Bakubro saved him, but unlikely. Midoriya's not the type to skip class and do some shit. Neither is Bakubro.

Kaminari: Maybe they're both in trouble? 

Koda: I don't think we should jump to conclusions like that...

Ojiro: There could be a reasonable explanation.

Sato: Maybe they're both just sick, and Bakugo is taking care of Midoriya?

Shoji: HAHAHAHAHA imagine that! They hate each other no?

Kirishima: Yeah...

Sero: I'll text Midoriya again and see if he responds this time.

Todoroki: And I'll ask around to see if anyone knows where they might be.

Tokoyami: It's concerning a bit... do you think Deku did finally actually snap and beaten Bakugo up?

Uraraka: Nah, it's not like him. He is the cinnamon roll of our class.

Mineta: Maybe they're just skipping class together for some romantic rendezvous!

ClassMom: Mineta, please focus. This is serious.

Mineta: Knowing those two, they probably got into some trouble but hey you never know! They really might be a thing here!

Kirishima: No, just NO! Besides they always show up to class eventually.

Hagakure: Or maybe they're just skipping class.

Ojiro: Deku skipping class? NO way!

Todoroki: Let's be honest here. Bakugo did that floary prank on Aizawa and Izuku is probably trying to safe his neck. I am calling this theory right now!

Jiro:  You and your theories... besides you really thinkg Bakugo can pull that up? 

Mineta: Knowing him, it was probably would have killed someone or beaten up.

ClassMom: How about we wait for now and see. It's not as if they are missing for a day. Besides they really might just be sick or busy.

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