Behind the scene...

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Bodyguard: Boss, I've been thinking about the USJ incident. Are you sure it was a good idea to expose your skills like that?

Boss:  Worried about me, Kacchan?

Bodyguard: Yeah, Boss. You're our leader, and if something were to happen to you...

Boss: Don't worry, Kacchan. I can handle myself. 

Bodyguard:  I know...., Boss. It's just hard not to be concerned.

Boss: I understand, Kacchan. But trust me, I know what I'm doing. We'll be just fine.

Bodyguard: aham, I know it is late but I haven't seen you around lately. Where have you been?

Boss: Oh, I've been... tied up with some personal matters. Nothing to worry about.

Bodyguard: Personal matters? Is everything okay, Boss?

Boss:  Of course, Kacchan. Everything's fine. I've just had some things to take care of.

Bodyguard:  You've been gone for weeks, Boss. It's not like you to disappear like this. Did something happen? Besides I swear I'll murder this class if you don't return soon.

Boss:  It's nothing you need to concern yourself with, Kacchan. Just some... family issues I needed to sort out.... and I've been talking with Nezu.

Bodyguard: Family issues? Is everything alright at home, Boss?

Boss:  It's nothing serious. Just some... disagreements that needed resolving. But enough about me. How have things been here while I was away?

Bodyguard: Things have been quiet... way too quiet, Boss. But it's not the same without you around. We've all been worried.

Boss: Pff.... I'll be back soon.

Bodyguard:  Alright, Boss. If you say so. But if you ever need to talk or if there's anything I can do to help, just let me know.

Boss: So you are worried!!!! 

Boss: Thanks, Kacchan. I'll keep that in mind. Also here's something I need to tell you. It's about what's been happening at home.

Bodyguard: What's going on, Boss?

Boss: Well, my parents have been... acting strange lately. They've been pushing some ideas that I just can't agree with. They wanted to kick me out and disown me as well as throw soome people at us... it was my fathers idea and my mother hates the idea of me becoming a hero and you know the rest....

Bodyguard: I do? What kind of ideas?

Boss: You do, you've been with me and you know that we parted in... not the best way. Besides they wanted to do something reckless, something that could put our family in danger. I had to fight them on it, but eventually, I managed to convince them to let me take charge and now I have to establish everything. Nezu knows about this and he kinda encourages the change. As long as I am helping them and I am changing, they don't care what we do. Well of course no killing innocent people and we are not allowed to do kidnap or child trafficing. Other than that... we are free to do what we want.

Bodyguard: Oh damn...You fought your own parents? AND NEZU ALLOWED THAT?!

Boss: I had to and yes, unbelieveable but now all that is left is tell the class.... I guess since they saw everything. 

Boss: It was the only way to protect our family. But now, the responsibility falls on me to keep everything together. I won't let anything happen to my people.

Bodyguard: That takes guts, Boss. But you did what you had to do... I am fucking proud to be your bodyguard and sticking with you.

Boss: Thanks, Kacchan but you are more than that and you know it. We are close to being brothers after all! 

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