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Uraraka: Trying to balance hero training and a social life like... A damn rollercoaster 

Tsu: Ribbit... Anyone else feel like they've been run over by a villainous steamroller? 🐸

Ojiro: The bags under my eyes have their own bags... 😴👜

Koda: How I feel trying to get through hero training after a late night studying... 🐨📚

Jiro: My alarm clock trying to wake me up for hero training every morning... 

Mina: Ugh, don't remind me. I'm already counting down the minutes until nap time. 😩💤

Tokoyami: Current mood: ready to face-plant into my bed and call it a day, might as well use me for a rituatual! 

Izuku: No wonder Aizawa looks like that and wants to sleep in homeroom.

ClassMom: Let's sneak in a power nap during lunch break! 

Aoyama: Bonjour, mes amis! Who's ready to drag ourselves through another day of hero training? 

Koda: My new superhero alter ego: Captain Catnap. 😼💤

Kaminari: You are way too energetic Aoyama.

Hagakure: 👀💤

Kirishima: Agree with this.

Iida: We can do this! We are hero in trainings. Giving up is not hero like at all!🚨💪

Izuku: Dramatic reenactment. He just beat us to a pulp!!!

Mineta: ... and exams... 😭

Tokoyami: When your inner darkness is screaming for some shut-eye... 

Sato: Is hero training even legal if it's making us this tired? 

Hagakure: Guys, I think my invisibility is wearing off... I'm starting to see my eyelids.!!!!

Dandelion: How about just kidnappint the hobo and calling it a day?

Uraraka: How about we turn hero training into a game of "Who can stay awake the longest"? Winner gets an extra hour of sleep! 💤😜

Jiro: I vote for a hero training session on how to fight crime in your sleep. Could be useful! 

Kirishima: Ah that would be soo manly right now. Imagine all the stuff one can do in their dreams. I'll be a damn super hero, the number one too.

Mina: But seriously, has anyone seen ClassMom and Iida? Too energetic! I am calling it!!

Tsu: Yeah, seriously. I'm starting to suspect they secretly absorb energy from the sun or something. 🌞😂🐸 

Izuku: I don't know what they're on, but I want some. Maybe then I wouldn't feel like a zombie all the time. 💀😴

Dandelion: As if you are tired... doing all these tricks.

Izuku: SHUSH!

Aoyama: Ah, but perhaps their energy comes from within! Like a spark of passion that ignites the flames of heroism! 🔥💥 MES AMIES! That would be too much wouldn't it? I think I lost it... I can't explain it... I give up.

Sato: Or maybe they're just drinking way too much coffee... ☕️😅

Ojiro: More likely.

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