Just one regret!

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Boss: Kacchan, I need to ask you something. Why did you put the teacher in a duck floaty?

Hound: Oh, that? Well, Boss, I figured it would be the most inconspicuous way to transport him. I mean, who would suspect a kidnapped person being carried in a duck floaty, right?

Boss: I suppose you have a point, Kacchan. But still, it's not exactly the most professional approach.

Hound: Yeah, I get that, Boss. But you know me, always trying to add a bit of flair to the job.

Boss: That's one way to put it, Kacchan. I mean all you did in the past was blow things up with a passion no one else has. 

Boss: Well, as long as it gets the job done, I suppose I can't complain too much.

Hound: Exactly, Boss. And hey, the only regret I have is that it's not a unicorn floaty. Now that would have been epic.

Boss: How about try to keep things a bit more low-key next time?

Hound: Sure thing, Boss. But you have to admit, the image of our teacher floating down the river in a duck floaty is pretty hilarious.... but I couldn't get to the next river that fast so had to go with the pool.

Boss: 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I'll give you that, Kacchan. I'll give you that.

Boss: Kacchan, sometimes I wonder where you get these ideas from.

Hound: It's all about thinking outside the box, Boss. You taught me that.

Boss: Yeah, I suppose I did lecture you more than a bit about that. But let's try to keep it more on the low side next time.

Hound: Got it, Boss. No more floaties, I promise.

Boss: Tho..., I appreciate your creativity, sure was fun.

Hound: hey, a little humor never hurt anyone, right?

Hound: And, if the opportunity ever arises again, maybe we can consider the unicorn floaty. Just for old times' sake.

Boss: You know what, Kacchan? Maybe I should take a page out of your idea book and try out some of these funky ideas myself.

Hound: Boss, are you serious?

Boss: Why not? It could be fun.

Hound: You, the mastermind behind a series of hilarious pranks? That's something I'd pay to see.

Boss: Well, don't get too excited. You know this is not my style.

Hound: True. BUT who knows? You might want to finally losen up a bit too!.

Boss: OmO Kacchan, I am still your boss!

Hound: And you are the best so far!

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