Just whining...

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Hound: Boss, we've got to get rid of the teacher. He's becoming a real pain in the neck.

Boss: Kacchan, we've been over this. We can't just get rid of him. That's not how it works.

Hound: But Boss, he knows too much! He's a liability. We can't afford to keep him around.

Boss: And what do you suggest we do, Kacchan? Have a picnic and ask him nicely to forget everything?

Hound: Come on, Boss, there has to be something we can do. We can't just let him walk free.

Boss: Kacchan, I said no. End of discussion.

Hound: Fine... but don't blame me when he rats us out and ruins everything.

Boss: I won't, Kacchan. Now drop it and focus on your studies and stop texiting me in class!!!! We just got out of the discussion and joined them.. what you think that everyone will think about us if they see us chat?! Besides! We have bigger things to worry about than your whining.

Hound: BUT BUT BUT Boss, we've got to get rid of the teacher. He knows who we are! HE JUST KNOWS IT!

Boss:  And whose fault is that, Kacchan?

Hound: But Boss, he's a threat! He could expose us to the whole school!

Boss: I understand the risk, Kacchan, but we can't just eliminate every problem that comes our way! We are here to become heroes! Not be psychopaths killing right and left everyone who comes our way.

Hound: But Boss, what if he talks? What if he tells everyone about us?

Boss: Kacchan, I said no. We're not going to resort to violence every time things don't go our way.

Hound: ... but when he spills everything, don't say I didn't warn you.

Boss: We'll deal with it if and when that happens, Kacchan. But for now, we need to focus on keeping a low profile and avoiding any unnecessary attention. Understand?

Hound: But Boss, if the whole school finds out, our reputation will be ruined! We'll be the laughingstock of the entire hero academy! They gonna hunt us too! What do you think two maffia people, the head and the fucking useless bodyguard being here in a hero course... of course they gonna have a good laugh!!!

Boss: Kacchan, calm down. We've faced worse situations before and come out on top. We'll handle this one too and besides they at least won't kill us.

Hound: Yeah, but this is different, Boss. This is our identities on the line!

Boss: I know it's serious, Kacchan. But we can't let fear reign over us. We need to think rationally and come up with a plan.

Hound: Fine... but I still think we should do something about him before it's too late.

Boss: No, Kacchan. We'll handle this the right way. Now, let's focus on finding a solution that doesn't involve causing more problems for ourselves. Understood?

Hound: Yeah, understood, Boss... But I still don't like it.

Hound:  ...... Boss, what if the whole class finds out? They'll look at us differently, treat us like we're some kind of criminals!

Boss: Kacchan we are criminals.

Hound: I know but still!!

Boss: Look, we can't control what others think of us..

Hound: I know, Boss, but it's humiliating and a laughingstock. They will think we are crazy for even being here!!!!

Boss: ... Kacchan you are an idiot and who's fault is this even?

Hound: Yeah... I guess you're right, Boss.... sorry.  It's just hard to imagine how we'll recover from this.... I don't want to pop that nice dream of yours. But Boss, what about your identity? What if he exposes you as our next head? You'll be ruined, disgraced, your whole life's work—gone! Your family and the whole team is gonna hunt you. Before they gonna let us talk, they gonna kill us!!!!

Boss: Enough, Kacchan!!!!!! I've had it with your incessant whining and pessimism! YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHO I AM AND WHERE I STAND IN OUR HIERARCHY.

Hound: But Boss—

Boss:  No buts! I've had it up to here with your negativity and doubt! I've worked too damn hard to let some washed-up hobo teacher ruin everything! Especially a damn Pomeranian that is barking and doesn't know how to behave!!!!

Hound: Boss, I didn't mean it like that.

Boss: Save it, Kacchan. From now on, you're going to follow my lead without question. If you can't handle that, then maybe you don't belong here after all and maybe I will have to start looking for some acid and a new accomplice.

Hound: Boss, I... I'm sorry. I'll do better, I promise.

Boss: You'd better, Kacchan. Because if you don't, I'll have no choice but to cut you loose. Understand?

Hound: Yes, Boss... I understand.

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