Kid... Kidnapped WHO?!

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Hound: Boss, we have a problem.

Boss: What's going on, Kacchan? Don't tell me you messed up again.

Hound: It's worse than that. I... I kidnapped our teacher.

Boss: What?! Are you out of your mind, Kacchan?! Why would you do something so stupid?!

Hound: I had no choice, Boss. He was getting too close to our identities. I had to take him out of the picture.

Boss: You idiot! Do you realize what you've done? This is kidnapping! We could go to jail for this!

Hound: I know, Boss. I panicked. I didn't know what else to do.

Boss: Kacchan, listen carefully. You need to return our teacher immediately.

Hound : Boss, I can't! He knows too much. He's a threat to our entire operation.

Boss: I don't care, Kacchan! Kidnapping him was a huge mistake, and it's putting all of us in danger. We can't afford to have the authorities on our tails.

Hound: But Boss...

Boss: No buts! You need to fix this, and fast. Bring him back, unharmed, and make sure no one finds out about this.

Hound : Yes, Boss. I'll take care of it right away.

Boss: And Kacchan? This better be the end of it. If you ever pull a stunt like this again, I won't hesitate to cut you loose. Understand?

Hound : Understood, Boss. It won't happen again, I promise.

Boss: Kacchan, wait. Before you go, are you okay? Why did you feel like you had to do this?

Hound: I'm fine, Boss. I just... I thought I was protecting us, protecting you. I didn't want anything to risk what we've built.

Boss: I understand, Kacchan, but kidnapping is not the answer.

Hound : I know, Boss... arson is.

Boss: You idiot....

Hound: I messed up alright.. I am an idiot. And about my identity... I don't think he recognized me. I made sure to wear a mask and disguise my voice.

Boss: Good thinking, Kacchan.

Hound : I'll make sure it doesn't happen again. I promise

Boss: Alright. Now, go fix this mess before it gets any worse.

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