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I just saw Hoshi leaving a building with a girl... she's not Solbin. She's really pretty and they were laughing
What's going on?

Everyone loves 🎨

Sorry guys
But somebody called me pretty

You were faster than me

I was shocked too 😂

For someone who gave up social media
You're becoming Scoups

They could've said you look hot

Yeah that would be way better

But I think fans are calm

Didn't saw anything crazy

Although I have 33 missed calls from Solbin
And one text from my dad asking if it's time


To meet Bitna

They know about her ?

I'm not a secret Mister Minghao

No but my dad would be mad at me for signing the contract he did even more after knowing he's dating

He's not wrong

They were sad but happy I found Bitna

I imagine
And what you're gonna do about Solbin

Can I ignore her?

You know I can make her disappear

Pretty please?

Don't have time to hide a body
Jiwoo is sleeping

Hmmm I can ask Tyler

I'm bored I can go

Just block her

Good idea

We're always too extreme

The atmosphere in the meeting room was tense as Hoshi's manager, along with Solbin, sat across from him.

Solbin's expression was icy, her eyes narrowed as she scrutinized Hoshi with thinly veiled disdain.

Hoshi's manager, on the other hand, wore a more neutral expression, though a hint of concern flickered in his eyes.

"So, care to explain why you were seen with Bitna?" Solbin's tone was sharp, her words laced with accusation as she fixed her gaze on Hoshi "I told you this would happened."

"It's just us talking.... What's the deal? You just mad it isn't you"

"How this looks for us?! Even more after the whole #freehoshi thing" she said

Hoshi shifted uncomfortably in his seat, feeling the weight of Solbin's words bearing down on him.

"They saw through the lie. Not my fault." he replied

"You could've fake it better"

Hoshi remained composed despite the tension in the room. "I tried. You were trying to much. I was super uncomfortable" he added, his tone firm as he met Solbin's gaze head-on.

"I was trying to sell that we're a couple"

"No! You were trying to get Bitna jealous but guess what she's so damm perfect she doesn't care. Because in the end of the day I'll go back to her. You and me and strictly professional"

Hoshi's manager interjected, his tone measured but firm. "Regardless all of this... the optics aren't great, especially given your current situation with Solbin. Fans may think you're cheating and even if they figure out you two are fake is bad for our image"

Hoshi sighed, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "I understand. So to be clear I want out of this contract. Find a way" he muttered, his thoughts racing in his head

Solbin's lips curled into a smug smile "You think is easy? Find a way and I'll ruin you" she suggested, her voice dripping with anger.

Hoshi's jaw clenched, his resolve hardening as he met Solbin's gaze with steely determination "I don't like you and I'll never will"

He left looking another way from Solbin, this girl is about to make him lose control.

Meanwhile Bitna sat at her desk, engrossed in the steady rhythm of typing keys, waiting for Hoshi text about the meeting.

She was deep in thought, focused on the task at hand, when her concentration was abruptly shattered by the unexpected arrival of the CEO.

"Bitna, I need to speak with you for a moment," he said, his tone serious yet tinged with a hint of hesitation.

Bitna glanced up, a curious expression crossing over her face."Of course, what's up?" she asked, a note of concern creeping into her voice.

Her manager cleared his throat, a furrow forming between his brows as he carefully chose his words. "We need you  to return to the US," he explained, his voice betraying a hint of uncertainty.

"Why?" Bitna's heart skipped a beat at the mention of leaving Korea.

"They're having some problems and we think you're the best person to go"

"Go back to the US?" Bitna echoed, her voice barely above a whisper as she struggled to process the sudden turn of events "again?"

Her manager nodded solemnly, his expression sympathetic as he observed her reaction. "Yes, it's a lucrative opportunity, and it could help the company a lot" he explained, his tone gentle yet firm.

Bitna's mind raced as she weighed the implications of the offer, torn between going or stay here. But as she glanced around the familiar surroundings of her office, her thoughts turned to Hoshi, as she can't leave him again.

"I appreciate the offer, I really do," Bitna began, her voice steady despite the tumult of emotions swirling within her. "But I can't leave. Not now."

He looked at her with a mixture of surprise "Can you please do this for the company? It's really a good pay. Are you sure?"

Bitna nodded resolutely, her gaze unwavering as she met her manager's eyes. "I've made up my mind. My place is here, I have my person here" she declared, her conviction shining through in her words " I can helped them, go there for a few days or even some weeks but never moving there"

The CEO nodded but didn't said anything

"If you fire me I get it but I can't go." She said

"No.... I'm sad but I get it. He must be a lucky man" he smiled " I would do the same thing if I were you. I would never leave my wife"

"Thank you. But I'm serious, I can go there for a while..."

"Ok. I think that can work too. I'll see what I can do, you think Haeri would go?" He tilted his head

"And leave her idol? Never" Bitna said making both of them laughing. Haeri dating an idol was like an inside joke in the office. They all tease her about it

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