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As Hoshi stood in the practice room, surrounded by the familiar sound of music and the company of his members, he struggled to focus on the task at hand.

His mind kept drifting back to the heated kiss he had shared with Bitna, the memory playing on a loop in his mind and distracting him from the present moment.

He could never guess their first kiss would be like this. An angry but intense kiss.

He could still feel the press of her lips against his, the taste of her lingering on his tongue, the heat of her body pressed against his own.

With a frustrated sigh, Hoshi ran a hand through his hair, his thoughts in turmoil as he tried to shake off the distraction.

Only one day has passed but it already made so damage on his heart.

Five years ago he wanted this kiss more than anything and now the kiss has a bitter sweet feeling. He let out a heavy sight feeling his dance rigid, and knew he couldn't go on.

"Ok let's take 5" he said " or ten"

"What's up with you today?" Dino called out, his brow furrowing in concern as he glanced over at Hoshi. "You're way off beat. It's like hell froze over"

"I know ," he muttered, his voice tinged with frustration. "I just... I've got a lot on my mind."


"Wow what gave it away?" Hoshi said with his voice full of sarcasm

"The big frown. Only she can put you with that frown" Dino's expression softened with his concern evident in his voice. "What happened after you grabbed her ?" he asked, his tone gentle.

Hoshi hesitated for a moment, unsure of how much to reveal. Telling it out loud it would make things real and he'll have to deal with it.

"We... we kissed, and now I can't stop thinking about her." Hoshi said

Dino eyes widened in surprise at the revelation "That's good isn't it?"he murmured, his tone sympathetic.

"I just don't know what to do," he confessed, his voice thick with uncertainty. "I want to move on, but I can't seem to let go of her."

Dino placed a reassuring hand on Hoshi's shoulder, offering him a supportive smile. "Listen, it's okay to still have feelings for her," he said gently. "But you need to figure out what you want and what's best for you. And whatever you decide, just know that we've got your back."

"I know thanks. I need to think." he said sincerely, his voice filled with gratitude.

Dino squeezed his shoulder in a silent gesture of support before turning back to the rest of the group, ready to resume practice.

Everyone loves 🎨

I'm so tired
Uni is killing me

Hoshi is killing us

I would switch



Believe us
You don't want that

Uni is really hard
And work at the gallery too
I need a vacay

Hoshi physically kills your body

One time Hao came with a bruise and I freaked out

She threaten me
It's not that bad guys
We have to be perfect

It's bad
But I'm pretty sure uni and work sucks too

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