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bibi I think I have a problem with black 🖤

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bibi I think I have a problem with black 🖤

tay.tay it's not a problem

yunyunishere guilty as charged

mee.i black should thank you

User1 all svt girls know her
User2 please let's not start

User3 looking good

Throughout the week, Hoshi and Bitna found themselves swept up in their jobs, leaving them feeling distant and out of touch.

Their once constant communication started to be sporadic texts and missed calls, and they missed each other.

But despite the busy schedules, Hoshi was determined to surprise Bitna with a sweet and simple gesture.

With meticulous attention to detail, he set to work crafting the perfect surprise: a homemade dinner that he give his all.

As the evening approached, the tantalizing aroma of Hoshi's cooking filled the air, mingling with the warm glow of candlelight and the soft strains of music playing in the background.

When Bitna finally walked through the door, her tired eyes lighting up surprised by the sight before.

"Surprise, gorgeous"he said, his voice filled with joy as he enveloped her in a warm embrace. "I wanted to do something special for you."

"This is incredible" her eyes widened as she look at we her living room "how did you knew?"

"Haeri might helped me getting you out off the office" he smiled

"I missed you tiger"she breathed, her voice tinged with emotion as she returned his embrace. "I can't believe you went to all this trouble for me."

"You deserve it. We deserve this" he said " anything to see you smile"

As they sat together, Hoshi was focusing on Bitna face to try and see if she liked the food.

One bite and she looked at him with a silent smile as she chewed

"Is that bad?"

"It would be good if you used salt and not sugar" Bitna laughed drinking some water

"What?!" He ate some too and immediately ran his hand through his face "I'm sorry.... I'll order us something"

"Breathe tiger. There's more food" she said calming him down

"Sorry" he said looking like a puppy who's owner didn't gave a treat

"It's perfect" she kissed his cheek

After dinner as Bitna scrubbed at a particularly stubborn spot on a dish, she couldn't help but chuckle softly. "You know, I think this might be the first time I've ever seen you attempt to cook."

Hoshi grinned sheepishly, leaning against the counter as he watched her work. "Yeah, well, I should've stayed put"he replied, his tone light. " I should have stuck to my usual takeout order."

Bitna laughed, setting the dish aside and turning to face him. "Hey, at least you tried," she said, reaching up to playfully tousle his hair. "And next time I'll write salt and sugar in their recipients"

"That would help and if you're willing to be my taste tester again, I'll definitely give it another shot," he teased, winking at her playfully.

Bitna rolled her eyes, but she couldn't suppress the smile that tugged at her lips. "I suppose I can suffer through another culinary adventure with you," she replied, her voice tinged with amusement. "I'm kidding"

"Maybe I can help Tay with her poisons" he said grabbing a cloth to help her wipe the dishes

The water was warm and soothing against her skin, and she found herself lost in the rhythmic motion of her hands as she worked.

Hoshi leaned against the counter nearby, watching her with a playful twinkle in his eyes. "You know, you look even gorgeous while washing the dishes"he teased, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips.

Bitna shot him a mock glare over her shoulder. "Oh, shut up," she replied, unable to hide the smile tugging at her lips. "You just trying to get in my pants"

"Very sexy pants" he chuckled "I didn't know you liked rabbits so much"

"You wished it was tiger pijamas?

"Oh I'm gonna buy you one" he said, reaching out to playfully flick a soap bubble in her direction.

Bitna rolled her eyes, but she couldn't help but laugh. "Don't want to"

As Bitna finished the dishes, she felt a pair of arms wrap around her from behind, pulling her into a warm embrace.

She smiled getting all the feels right now, this is exactly what she needed

Hoshi's familiar scent enveloped her, and she leaned back into his embrace, relishing the comforting presence of him.

"I love you, Bitna," Hoshi murmured softly, his words sending a shiver of warmth down her spine.

Bitna turned in his arms, her heart overflowing with affection. "And I love you, Tiger" she replied, her voice filled with sincerity as she looked into his eyes.

Without another word, Hoshi leaned in to capture her lips in a tender kiss, action speaks louder than words.

Bitna melted into the kiss, her worries and stresses melting away in the warmth of his embrace.

After a moment, Hoshi pulled back slightly, his gaze soft as he looked at her. "I fucking love you," he whispered, his voice tinged with longing.

Bitna smiled, her heart swelling with love for the man before her. "Stay the night," she whispered back, pressing another gentle kiss to his lips.

Everyone loves 🎨

No sleeping home

Me either

I just wanna say me too to see the girls reaction

Wonwoo we both know you ain't got any girl

You don't know

Dino and Hoshi we have work tomorrow

Hayun needs inspiration

My girl 😏

Use him all you want


Not that way
He's gonna pose for me

Are you sure you want him?

Mingyu is not available

You didn't asked me?!

I'm her boyfriend

No one cares

Live with it

Poor Dino
He's a fine model
If you need a tiger for inspo
I rent hoshi

Of course you do
We'll go to bed
Goodbye everyone


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