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As the evening came on, Haeri approached Bitna and Hoshi with an excited glint in her eyes. "Bitna" she greeted, her smile wide and infectious. "I have a little favor to ask."

Bitna and Hoshi exchanged curious glances, intrigued by Haeri's mysterious request. "Sure, what's up?" Bitna replied, her tone laced with curiosity.

Haeri's smile grew even wider as she explained, "Hoon and I have been planning a night out for ages, but we need someone to look after Jiwoo for us. Would you two be willing to babysit?"

Bitna's eyes lit up with excitement at the prospect of spending time with Jiwoo, her heart warmed by the thought. "Absolutely!" she exclaimed eagerly

Hoshi grinned, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, we'd love to help out," he chimed in, his voice filled with enthusiasm "you two need a time out"

Haeri's expression softened with gratitude as she hugged them both. "Thank you so much, guys," she said sincerely. "I really appreciate it."

"Where are you going?" Bitna asked

"Noodles place and then cinema" Haeri smiled answering them

"Have the night for you two. Jiwoo can sleep with us" Hoshi said wrapping an arm around Bitna

"Are you sure?"

"We can handle her and you can have a proper date night"

"Don't worry"

"Ok... she's with Hoon right now. But when they're back you can take her"

After some time, Woozi came to the dorms with Jiwoo in his arms. She had fallen asleep, so he carefully passed her to Hoshi for him to take her home.

"Here her bag" Woozi said to Bitna " call us if you need anything"

The couple took her home, putting her in Bitna bed to continue to sleep.

As Jiwoo stirred from his slumber, Bitna and Hoshi exchanged knowing glances, preparing themselves for the inevitable task of soothing the little one back to sleep.

With a soft sigh, Bitna approached Jiwoo , her heart filled with affection for the sweet baby girl. She was happy Haeri trusted her.

Hoshi joined her side, a playful glint in his eye. "Looks like she's ready for some playtime with me," he remarked, his voice laced with amusement.

Bitna chuckled softly, reaching out to gently lift Jiwoo into her arms. "Maybe she just wants some snuggles" she teased, swaying gently from side to side in a rhythm that matched the gentle hum.

But Jiwoo open her eyes big time "Hoshi"

"See?" He smiled and took her


Hoshi grinned "Well, who could resist the chance to dance with such a charming person?"

"I could" Bitna rolled her eyes "Kai on the other side...."

"Kai is good, but no one would say no to me gorgeous"

"You or Kai? Tiger that's tough"

"Jiwoo your auntie is really trying to angry me"

"Is it working?" She asked

"Bad auntie" Jiwoo said making both of them laugh

"She has my back" he high fives Jiwoo while putting her on top of his feet

Bitna laughed, feeling the weight of the day melt away as she lost herself in the simple joy of dancing with Hoshi and Jiwoo.

As they moved together in harmony, the room filled with warmth and laughter.

After a few minutes of dancing, Bitna took her phone to keep this memory in her phone. Hoshi looked too good playing with her.

Jiwoo was playing her piano while the couple was lounging in the couch.

"She'll be a little genius like Woozi"

Bitna smiled as she tucked her legs beneath her, her eyes alight with anticipation. "Can you imagine what our kids would be like?" she mused, her voice tinged with wonder.

Hoshi's expression softened with affection as he reached for her hand, his thumb tracing small circles on her palm. "I can," he replied softly, his gaze meeting hers with unwavering sincerity. "I see them as a perfect blend of us – a little bit of your kindness and my playfulness."

"I would have my work cut out with them"

"More than one?" Hoshi asked still rubbing her hand

"I think I want two. Two little tigers"

"I'm in. I can't wait to see you with a big belly"

Bitna's heart swelled with warmth at his words, the idea of starting a family with Hoshi filling her with joy. "I hope they inherit my dance skills" she remarked with a playful grin.

"Your dance skills?" He tickled her "I hope they get your beautiful smile"

"So they can be a mini me"

Hoshi chuckled, the sound rich and melodic. "That would be a nightmare" he said , his eyes dancing with amusement. "I can already imagine their sassy remarks at their dad"

"Can't wait" she leaned in and kissed him "let's go to bed?"

"I'll do Jiwoo bottle" hoshi got up

"I got her"

Jiwoo quickly fallen asleep after drinking the milk in Bitna bed. Hoshi was on the floor while Bitna was in the bed sleeping next to Jiwoo.

As the night was dark outside, Jiwoo's cries pierced the tranquility of the room, stirring Bitna from her slumber.

But before Bitna could make a move, Hoshi was already on his feet, his instincts guiding him to Jiwoo's side. With a reassuring smile, he whispered softly, "hey baby, let's not wake her up. I'm here"

Bitna watched with a mixture of admiration and gratitude as Hoshi gently scooped Jiwoo into his arms, his soothing voice working its magic to calm their fussing baby.

As he disappeared into the darkness of the hallway, Bitna couldn't help but imagine when it will be their time.

As the morning sun entered the room, Bitna slowly stirred from her slumber, only to be greeted by the enthusiastic bounces of Jiwoo, who was already wide awake and full of energy.

With a sleepy smile, Bitna reached out to ruffle Jiwoo's hair.

Just then, the door creaked open, and Hoshi appeared, a warm cup of coffee in hand. "Good morning, gorgeous" he greeted with a grin, his eyes sparkling with affection.

Bitna's heart fluttered at the sight of him, her fatigue melting away in an instant. "Morning," she replied, her voice soft with gratitude as she accepted the steaming mug from him. "Did you gave coffee to this one too?" She asked while Jiwoo was still jumping in bed

"Tell me about it. She woke up again at 6 am and didn't slept more"

"You should've woke me up"

"You were so adorable sleeping I didn't want to disturb" he cupped her cheek and kissed her

"Kiss kiss" Jiwoo said pointing at her cheeks

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