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Bitna's heart felt heavy as she made her way to Haeri's house, seeking solace in the comforting presence of her friend.

She knocked softly on the door, and it was Woozi who answered, his expression softening at the sight of her. He did notice her red eyes.

"Hey" Woozi greeted, his voice gentle as he stepped aside to let her in. "She's in bed. I'll go grab some ice cream and soju."

Bitna managed a weak smile of gratitude as she stepped inside, the warmth of Haeri's home enveloping her like a comforting embrace.

As Woozi disappeared into the kitchen, Bitna made her way to Haeri's bedroom, her footsteps echoing softly against the floorboards.

She pushed open the door and found Haeri nestled under the covers, her expression filled with concern as she took in Bitna's somber demeanor.

"Come here...what's wrong?" Haeri asked, her voice filled with empathy as she reached out to offer Bitna a comforting hug.

Bitna sank onto the edge of the bed, her eyes brimming with tears.

"Me and Hoshi fought"


"He came to my job to ask me to stay away from him"she said as she poured out her heart to her friend

Haeri listened attentively, offering words of comfort and understanding as she gently stroked Bitna's hair.

"He's hurting. Are you ready to tell me ALL that happened between you two?"

"I hurt him. That's all you need to know and now he's hurting me every chance he gets"

Woozi returned with a tray laden with ice cream and soju, setting it down on the bedside table with a soft smile.

"Here you go" he said, his voice warm with affection. "I hope this helps."

Bitna managed a grateful smile as she reached for a bowl of ice cream, the cool sweetness soothing her frayed nerves "it does"

"What he did?" Woozi asked as well

"He wants me away from him"

"He's lying" he rolled his eyes

"He seemed pretty serious..."

"What did he said?" Haeri asked

"Things to hurt me" she answered "maybe I should just ask for a transfer"

"You won't change your life because of him" Woozi said

"That's what brought us to where we are"

"What happened?!" Haeri was out of patience

"He asked me out! And I said no because I wasn't fully over Wonshik and I needed to go away"

Woozi and Haeri shared glances and look at Bitna again

"I won. Thanks" Woozi said

"You bet on us?" Bitna released a laugh

"We did. I told her that he must've done something before you left. Please tell me you kissed that way I win another bet"

"We didn't" Bitna said making Haeri make a little dance

"Hoshi is the tradicional type" Haeri said

"I broke him" Bitna looked at her hands feeling a weight in her shoulders

"He'll get over it" woozi said reassuring her

"Woozi will sleep with Jiwoo. Stay here"

The soft morning light peeked through the curtains as Bitna stirred from her slumber.

She blinked, momentarily disoriented, before realizing she wasn't in her own bed.

Memories of seeking refuge at Haeri's house flooded back to her, and she glanced around the room, finding Haeri still sleeping next to her.

Bitna was in need of a hot cup of coffee, as she went down stairs she, she was wondering what she was gonna do.

All of the sudden, someone rang at the door, she didn't knew who it was but assumed it was one of the girls.

With a deep breath, she opened it, only to find Hoshi standing there, looking just as lost as she felt.

Their eyes met, and for a moment, neither of them spoke, the weight of their unspoken words hanging heavy in the air.

Bitna's mind raced, scrambling for something to say, but all she could manage was a feeble, "Hi."

Hoshi shifted awkwardly, his gaze flickering between Bitna and the floor. "Uh, hey,"he replied, his voice barely above a whisper. "I, um, I came here to talk to Woozi. Is he around?"

"Woozi's sleeping," she replied quietly

"And why are you here?"

"Good morning to you too" Bitna rolled her eyes

Hoshi hesitated, his fingers fidgeting nervously at his sides. "I'll wake him up " he stammered, stepping inside as Bitna closed the door behind him.

Bitna fidgeted with the hem of her shirt, her mind racing with a million thoughts and yet unable to form a coherent sentence. "Why are you running so hard?"

Hoshi shrugged "I just don't care about you"

"Really?"  She raised her voice

"Shut up before you wake them up" Hoshi said putting his hand on her mouth.

Bitna glared at him as he was still keeping her quiet.

They lapsed into an uncomfortable silence, the tension thick between them as they struggled to find common ground.

"Sorry" he finally took his hand

Bitna's emotions swirled tumultuously as she sat on the edge of the couch, her eyes brimming with unshed tears.

She could feel the weight of the unresolved tension between her and Hoshi pressing down on her chest, threatening to suffocate her with its intensity.

Just then,  Woozi appeared in the staircase , his eyes widening in concern as he took in Bitna's distressed state.

"Bitna, what's wrong?" he asked, his voice laced with worry as he approached her.

Bitna shook her head, unable to find the words to express the turmoil raging within her.

She glanced at Hoshi, who stood nearby, his expression filled with guilt and regret. Before either of them could say anything, Bitna's resolve crumbled, and she hastily gathered her belongings, her heart aching with pain.

Woozi's brow furrowed as he watched Bitna, his concern deepening "What did you do?" he demanded, turning to Hoshi with a mixture of frustration and curiosity.

"Nothing."  Hoshi answer looking at the door as Bits left.

"She was crying.... Again"

"I know"

Woozi exchanged a puzzled glance with Hoshi, uncertainty flickering in his eyes. "What's going on with you? She's here and you're running from her."

"I know ok?! But I can't" Hoshi shook his head and left the house as well.

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