158: Undercover in a Bar

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“Alright, remember what I said.” Hawks tells you through your ear piece. “Get us some good results here, and I'll treat you to one of my favourite late night diners!”

“Just how much money do you spend a week on eating out?” You chuckle. The driver can't help but grin at your comment as you put on your wig and take off the jacket you had covering your outfit when you left Hawks' agency.

“Hey! There's just no replicating all of the wonderful food you can eat here in Kyushu! Besides, I like to think we've got a good thing going. They keep me full, I tip them generously, and my fans keep them busy when I'm out of town.” He laughs. “With all of the flying around I do, I need to chow down!”

The car pulls up not far away from the bar, and you wave goodbye to the driver with a thank you. Instead of the shiny cars from before, this one looks like any other taxi in the city. “I’m walking now.”

“I've got eyes on you.” Hawks says.

You pull out your phone and pretend to be busy scrolling through it as you walk down the street. Already drunken passersby watch you and some try to talk to you, but you hurry past them. “Let's see... Should be just down here...” There's an alleyway not too far ahead with a neon sign letting you know you're in the right place. You turn down the alleyway and spot the bouncer. Pretending to call someone on your phone, you actually talk to Hawks via your ear piece. “Hey, I just got to the bar, are you almost here?” The bouncer keeps an eye on you.

“I see you. Camera is still good. Remember, you want him to know you're still a kid, but don't be obvious. A normal teen wouldn't want to be caught.”

“Ugh, what do you mean you haven't left yet? I thought you said you were on your way?” You reply.

“Good. Keep up the acting.”

“Come on! Hurry up and get here!” You put your hand over your mouth and phone, pretending you don't want anyone to hear. “I told my parents I was out studying with you for our test next week! They'll want proof later, so we don't have a long time to be out! Hurry up!”

“Looks like he heard. Good.”

“Just hurry up, will you? I'm going in. I'll meet you inside, okay?”

“He just said something to someone over his headset. Looks like he's warning someone inside. Be careful.”

You groan as you pocket your phone and walk up to the bouncer. “How much is entry here?” You smile. “Normally I go downtown, but I heard this place is a lot of fun.”

He eyes you for a minute, and gets a response from someone on his headset. “You got ID on you?”

“Yeah...!” You awkwardly look through your pockets, wallet, and handbag. “Uh oh... It looks like I must have forgotten it somewhere...”

The bouncer looks up and down the alley, and after seeing no one, he gives you a charming smile. “Well, that's no good is it? Don't worry about it. I'll let you in, just for tonight.” He winks. “Don't forget it next time.”

“What about entry?” You ask as he ushers you in.

“Don't worry about it, sweetheart.” He pats your back, a little too low for comfort.

The music inside is blaring, and lights flash everywhere. There's an odd smell in the air, and you can't tell if the fog is coming from a machine, patrons smoking, or some mixture of both. You can feel Hawks' feather shifting in your boot, letting you know he's still watching, and it tickles your leg as you walk towards the bar. It's difficult to push through the crowd of drunks, but you finally reach the counter. A man walks up to you, and sets his hand on your shoulder.

“Hey, I don't think I've seen you here before.” He shouts over the music and grins down at you.

“Ah, it's my first time here! Are there any drinks you suggest?” You shout back, trying to hide your discomfort.

“You ever had a Stain? It's one of our specials here.” He tells you, and you shake your head. “Yo, get us two Stains!” He shouts to the bartender. He nods and gets to making them. “You'll love it.”

“Thank you!” You say, your stomach churning with disgust over the drink name. Not much longer... Once I get the drink, then Hawks should come right in...

The bartender sets two drinks down in front of you. The man picks them up, and hands one to you. “Cheers, my dear. Welcome to my bar.”

“You're the owner?” You ask. “That's so cool!”

“No big deal! I like getting to know my new customers. Now, try it.”

“Shouldn't I pay first?” You ask, not wanting to actually drink the alcohol.

“It's on me, dear. Bottoms up!” He waits for you to drink, and Hawks' feather taps your leg once, signalling to do it.

“C-Cheers!” You smile and drink it. Expecting it to burn, you're surprised when it just tastes like cranberry juice. “Uh... It just tastes like juice...?”

He laughs. “Well, that's because it is!! Fitting isn't it? It's virgin, just like I'm sure the Hero Killer was.”

“Oh, haha... That makes sense.” You can feel Hawks' feather shifting in agitation.

“You seem disappointed, dear.” The man leans in. “Why is that?”

“Well... I came here hoping to get drunk...” You say, feigning disappointment. “If I wanted juice, I would have gone to the grocery store...”

“What's your favourite drink?” He asks, raising an eyebrow.

He's testing me...! It's a good thing Hawks prepared me for this... “Well, I really like Chuhai, do you have any lemon flavoured options?”

The man seems satisfied by your casual response. “Of course. What kind of bar would we be if we didn't?” He nods to the bartender who prepares your drink for you. Wrapping his arm around your shoulders, he turns you away from the bar, so you can't watch him prepare it for you, which doesn't make you feel very confident in its safety.

He talks to you about the music and what you think of it, as well as if you came with anyone. “Well, one of my friends is supposed to be meeting me here, but she's running late.”

“It's a shame to keep a girl as beautiful as you waiting!” He says. He takes your drink from the bartender, and sticks a straw in it. “Here you are my dear. Drink up!”

Hawks' feather taps against your leg twice, signalling you not to drink it. You pretend to go to take a sip as his next set of taps warns you he'll be there in a moment. “Oh! I love this song!” You smile as the DJ changes tracks. You grab the owner's arm, and pull him so he's facing away from the door and windows.

“I'm glad you like it! Our DJ is one of the best. I pay him handsomely to ignore requests from the other bars.” He chuckles. “Do you want to dance?” He asks.

“I'm afraid she's a bit too young for you, bud.” Hawks appears in the doorway, and before anyone can move, he's pinned all of the staff members down with his feathers. The one in your boot shoots out, aiming directly at the owner's throat.

“Hawks?!! Damn it!! You brat!” The owner tries to hit you, but Hawks is there in an instant, and catches his hand with a dark look in his eyes.

“You really wanna add assaulting a minor to your list of crimes?”

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