Start from the beginning

"He did not beat up a guy because of me." I roll my eyes. "You don't know that?" She gives me a look. 

We walk into the gym and the coaches are already talking to everyone. "Where were you two?" Miss Laurier asks.

Everyones direction turns to us. "The lockers." I say my eyes scattering through the crowd of people. 

"Why?" "Because we were getting changed. Do you want us to play in jeans?" Olivia asks. 

Miss Laurier gives us a look. "I would make you do burpees but we have training to do. 50 burpees next class." She snaps and we rush over to everyone else. 

"Alright. Get into your partners and let's start." Mr Dawson claps his hands together and we all get up.

Harvey's eyes lock with mine and he takes a few steps over to me. "Hey." I smile. "Hey." He says and we walk over to the mats. 

We take a seat on the mats and I know I need to say something. "So Harvey anymore surprised tactics planned? Or was that kiss just for you to double check you didn't want to kiss me again?" 

"Oh Mads, a gentleman never reveals his secrets. But who knows? I could surprise you again." He smirks turning his gaze to me. 

"Oh really?" I feel my heart race. 

He looks around the room. "You know Maddie, for frenemies we are really keeping it interesting." 

My stomach fills with butterflies but I hide it with a shrug. "Yeah I am just here for the entertainment." I tease.

"But Maddie there is something we gotta talk about." His adam's apple bobs up and down. 

"Yeah whats up?"

He hesitated. "But I am sorry for that kiss. I know I shouldn't of done that." 

I feel my heart sink. "Yeah no same. I got kinda caught up in that you know, closet, two people scenario." I fake laugh. 

He chuckles facing me. "Yeah we have actually been so good lately having fun I guess. Let's just keep it like that yeah?" he runs a hand down his jaw. 

"Yeah of course." Why am I so sad about this?

Our eyes meet and there is a slight flicker in his eyes. "Alright let's get started." 


Why the fuck did I just do that. 

I have not been able to stop thinking about her for days and now I fucking just friend zoned her. 

I am such an idiot. But I know she doesn't feel the same way so I just got to get over these stupid emotion things.

I take a deep breath looking into her eyes as much as she smiled I could see a hint of sadness in her eyes and I didn't know what for.

"Alright let's get started." I pick up two weights from either side and she follows as we begin. 

Oh shit I forgot Nate told me to tell her about the plans. "Do you wanna come to this music festival with us tomorrow night?" I speak over the music someone just began playing.

Her face lights up. "Hell yeah. Who is going?" She asks. "I think all of our group." 

I felt weird saying it but since Italy we have all being hanging out a lot and kinda gotten closer. "Oh my god yes." She smiles and I try my hardest not to let a huge smile spread across my face knowing she is going. 

"Alright. Well we will probs pick you guys up and then we can head over there." 

"Oh gosh I need to find something to wea-" "Get to work you two." She is cut off by Miss Laurier. 

Fucking bitch. 

I glare at her till she leaves and turn back to Maddie who continues. "I am actually so excited, but I have no idea what to wear." She looks up and thinks.

She is so fucking cute. 

Nate and Olivia come walking over. "Guys we were thinking of getting a bite to eat or something after this if you wanna come?" Olivia asks.

"Yeah sure. I will just double check if I can." Maddie gets up. "Yep I can." I run a hand through my hair. 


We get to a random cafe thing around the corner and Nate and I follow Mads and Olivia to a table. 

We all slide into the booth and everyone opens up their menus. "Mads what are you gonna wear to tomorrow?" Olivia says. "I honestly don't know." She sighs. 

"It's not a fucking fashion show." Nate takes a sip of water. "You don't understand Nate." Olivia scoffs.

A boy around our age comes over. "What can I get you?" He holds up a note pad. "Can I get a mango passion fruit juice please." Maddie smiles at him.

He turns his direction to me. "I'll just get a burger please." Everyone else orders and as he goes to turn around Maddie calls out. "Thank you." He ignores her and I pulls him by his shirt back over.

"She was fucking talking by the way." I cross my arms. "Yes?" He sighs. She looks a bit startled at my action. "I just wanted to say thank you." He practically rolls his eyes. "It's fine." 

Once our stuff arrives Olivia and Maddie are in a deep conversation about someones boyfriend cheating with another man. 

"Wait is this Jake?" Nate furrows his eyebrows. "Shhhh." Olivia looks around the room. "Yes it was."

Maddie laughs. "Yeah so basically he cheated on his girlfriend with a guy now they are together."

"Oh shit." My eyes widen.  

"Yeah but they are happy so that is all that matters." Maddie shrugs and Olivia pats her shoulder. "Your so sweet. But babe you forgot about the girlfriend."

"Oh shit yeah." She takes a sip of her drink. "Anyways. What time are you picking us up for the festival cause we need time to get ready." Olivia throws a napkin on her plate.

"Mostly Bella." Maddie's laughs. Her blonde hair is tied up into a messy bun but she looks more perfect than ever as she laughs. But I worry that she hasn't fucking eaten enough but I don't know if she likes me asking. 

"We will pick you up at around 5." I say and they both nod. "There will be good there but probs eat before you go." Nate explains. "Yeah good idea." Olivia says. 


hey guys sorry this was kinda a filler

but oh my gosh maddie and harvey not showing their feelings was so hard to write as i want them to get together so bad 


That one trip to ItalyWhere stories live. Discover now