Chapter 12

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We finished reading through the script in about 2 and a half hours, with us getting lunch in between. Jamie and I goofed off a lot, but I still have a weird lingering feeling towards him... After we finished, we were all free to go, which meant I had to get home to Noelle and Belle, awaiting a very cool report of my day here.  I really need to figure out how to distract them-

"Amber! Wait up!" Jamie called, running over to me.

"Hey, Jamie." I greeted him after he caught up with me

"Hey..."Jamie said out of breath, "Are you doing anything later?"

"No, why?" I asked.

"I was wondering if you, Belle and Noelle would want to come up to my apartment to have dinner together." He answered.

"Sure! What time?" I smiled.

We agreed to meet up at 6:00 in central park and walk over to Jamie's apartment from there. We both said our goodbyes and went our separate ways. When I got home I was immediately welcomed by Belle and Noelle.

"How was it?" They both asked me.

"It was fine! But girls you have to go take a shower now." I said, laying down on the couch.

"But why?" Noelle asked.

"Because, I don't want you guys to be all dirty, and also because we're going out." I explained.

"Where?" Belle asked.

"I'll tell you after you take a shower." I looked at them.

"Fine...Ill go first." Belle said, and walked into the bathroom.

"Noelle go get your outfit ready while Belle showers." I said to her.

 "Okay" She walked away and into her room.

I laid on the couch, thinking about my day. It was amazing to be working on such a good musical with such amazing people. I thought back to the conversation me and some of the cast had in my dressing room. Today was fun, really fun. I still thought back to how I felt when Jamie was holding my hand, and I still felt it a little when he was just around.

I heard Noelle get inside the shower, and Belle went into her room. It reminded me that I still needed to take a shower myself, and change! I quickly got up and Went into my room. I had my own bathroom there, so I didn't need to wait for Noelle to get out. 

I got into the shower and after a few minutes, was back in my room. I looked through my clothes, picking out what to wear. I decided on wearing a light purple colored shirt with black shorts, fishnet leggings, and a black trench coat. I grabbed my favorite pair of ankle boots and walked out of my room.

Belle and Noelle were on the couch, ready and watching TV. I looked at the time, it was 5:30. We had a few minutes left to spare before we had to leave.

"So, where are we going?" Noelle asked me.

"Well, Jamie invited us to go have dinner at his apartment." I replied, sitting down.

"Really! Yay!" Noelle exclaimed.

"When do we need to go?" Belle asked, looking at the time.

"In about ten minutes. We agreed on meeting up at central park at 6:00." I answered.

"Okay!" Belle looked back at the TV.

"Can we bring our Nintendo Switch? It was fun playing with Jamie." Noelle commented.

"I can ask." I said, pulling out my phone and heading to Jamie's contact.

Amber: Hey Jamie! Noelle was asking if she could bring the Nintendo switch over. Is that okay?

Jamie: Greetings and salutations, Amber! I don't mind if they bring the switch. It was fun playing with you guys!

Amber: Thanks! And, it was also fun playing with you. By the way, we're heading to the park right now.

Jamie: Okay, I'll see you in a bit.

"Girls," I started, "Come on, we need to go. And Noelle, you can bring it."

"Yay!" Noelle got up and ran to get the switch.

Belle got up and turned off the TV. After Noelle came back with the switch in its case, with a few other games as well, we all got our shoes on. We walked out the door and headed to Central Park.

It was nice out today. There was a light breeze and it wasn't too cold out. The sun was also setting, making the sky look orange, pink, and yellow. The walk to Central Park wasn't far. It was about a 15 minute walk, which wasn't much. But with two hyper girls, it can get a little harder to get over there.

"Girls, can you please keep yourself together?"I asked, looking at them.

"We can try. We're just excited! We really like Jamie!" Noelle said, and Belle nodded.

"Thanks..." I thought back on their words.

"We just really like Jamie!", why did those words affect me so much? I felt something in my stomach, like butterflies...Why do I feel this way? I'm not disgusted by him, I'm not sad with him, I'm not uncomfortable with him...I though about all the negative feeling I could think of, but none of them seem to be the reason to why I feel this way.

I continued to think about it, this time going over positive emotions, like happiness, comfort, and relaxation. They all seemed to be connected to what was making me feel this way, but I couldn't think of anything else, except for one...Love

I couldn't be in love with him! He's my co-star! And my friend! I really hope its not love, anything but that...

(A/N: Back to longer chapters! I'm glad you guys like this so far! I've worked hard on this. Also, the first two chapters to my Aaron Tveit book, "Believe Me When I Say, I Love You!" are out! So if you like Aaron Tveit, or "Moulin Rouge! The Musical" Broadway, make sure to check it out! Also, If you want to suggest anything for this book or that Aaron one, feel free to comment on the book (But don't suggest something for that Aaron Tveit Book on here, same for this book. Don't suggest stuff for this book on the Aaron one!). I hope you're having a good day/night!

Best of wishes,

Broadway- Simp)

(Words: 1002)

His Voice ✧・゚:* A Jamie Muscato FanFic *:・゚✧Where stories live. Discover now