Chapter 6

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I woke up to my annoying alarm, which i was very quick to smash the snooze button. I was about to go back to sleep, until I remembered, today is the day that me and my nieces leave for New York.

I slowly got myself out of bed, still half asleep and groggy. I went into the kitchen and started making myself a coffee and breakfast. While it was brewing, I went to go pick out my outfit for today.I still wanted to look presentable for my nieces, so I picked out a nice white and pink striped blouse, and some loose jeans.

I grabbed my coffee and breakfast, sat down, and ate while I checked my phone. I had to be there at 8:30 at least. It was 7:45, so I was quick to eat, and to pack up my bags again. I walked out of the hotel, taking in a breath of fresh air. My life was changing, in a way I never thought it would.

I started my rental car and headed over to their house. It was gonna be weird to not have my sister waiting for me, but now, I had to get used to it. I reached their house in about 25 minutes. I got out of the car and walked up to the door. I knocked, and after maybe a minute it opened.

I looked down and saw Noelle, my younger niece. She was in her pajamas, holding a blanket.

"Hey, Noelle." I greeted her.

"Hi Amber. Come in." She moved out of the doorway and let me in.

"Noelle, where is your sister? Is she still asleep?"I asked, looking around.

I looked around, it was nearly identical to when I last came. The only real think that was different, was that Noelle and her sisters stuff was ready and packed to go to New York.

"Shes in her room. She just got up." Noelle answered my question.

"Okay. Have you had anything to eat?" I asked, while Noelle was walking me to her sister's room.

"No, I woke up only about 10 minutes ago." She opened the door and walked in.

"Belle! Aunt Amber is here!" She said to Belle, who was half asleep.

"Hi, Aunt Amber. When did you get here?" She asked, groggily.

"Only about 5 minutes ago. Get up, I'm going to make you two breakfasts." I said, looking at both of them.

"Okay. What are you making? Can we help?" asked Noelle.

"I'm making pancakes. And sure, you can help!" I walked to the kitchen.

The girls got out everything we needed and we started to cook. It smelled delicious, with the aroma of butter and pancakes traveling all around the house. They got their plates and started to serve themselves. I got the syrup out for them while they sat down at the table.

"So, what's it like in New York?" Belle asked, taking a piece of pancake into her mouth.

"Well," I started, "Its very crowded, and noisy, but you get used to in. And it's very fun to just walk around and go into different stores."

"Okay, now what's it like, knowing your going to be on Broadway?" Noelle asked.

"Its amazing! You girls arent old enough yet to know about what happens in the show, but maybe I'll tell you a little when your older. " I thought back to the script.

"And the cast? What are they like? Will we be able to meet them?" They both asked.

"Maybe you can meet them. Were all tired after a day if work, I I think we could work something out. And, I think they would all live you guys. There amazing people, and I think you will like them too." I answered their questions.

"I'm excited! I'm going to miss it here, but we get a new start!" Belle said, as she finished her pancakes.

We continued to chat about Hmhow it was going to be un New York while I cleaned everything up with them helping me. We finished, and I checked the time.

"Girls, our flight leaves at 12, we need to get going. Come on, let's get your things into the car." I picked on of their suitcases up.

I think that's when it really started to sink in for Belle and Noelle, because they started to tear up and cry. They didnt want to leave, they probably thought they had more time, but they didnt, and I feel so bad for taking them away from the only place they ever called home. I went over to them and hugged them. I knew it was hard, but things happened, and now were here. As they girls continued to cry and carry there things into the car, I came up with an idea to cheer them up. I quickly took out my phone and clicked on a contact, Jamie's contact.

I knew the girls wanted to meet someone or people from the cast, so this was the perfect opportunity to introduce them to someone. I texted Jamie quickly, explaining to him my situation, and asking him for a favor.

Amber: Hey, Jamie! As you know, I have to pick up my nieces today and bring them back to New York with me. And well, dlit started off well, but now I think it really sunk into them that they were leaving. I really dont want there first impression of New York to be bad, so I want to ask you for a favor. They were talking about meeting some of the cast this morning, and so, I was wondering, could you come over when I get back with them? I think they would live you, and would be ecstatic!

I left him at that and continued to help the girls. They were a bit more calmed down now, so that was good. We finished getting everything in, and the girls got in the car. I got a notification from my phone earlier,  so I checked it before I got in.

Jamie: Hi Amber! I would love to meet your nieces! I know that it's hard, and as your friend,  I want to make them feel welcome as well. And actually, I have nothing to do today, so I wanted to ask if I could pick you guys up at the airport instead. Is that okay?

Amber: That would be amazing! Thanks you so much! I'll tell you when we get to the airport. Again, Thank you!

I smiled, happy that he agreed. I got into the deivers seat and started driving. The girls were tired, so they slept on the way to the airport.  We got there in about 45 minutes.  I got our bags down and woke the girls up.

"Hey, were here!" I said quietly.

They got up and out of the car and off we went to get our bags checked. After I got our bags checked, we made our way over to our gate. We still had to wait for about 20 minutes until they started boarding.

Belle and Noelle sat quietly,  talking to eachother. Noelle and Belle each had an iPad, and a Nintendo switch,  so I made sure to put those on airplane mode, along with my phone. They started boarding,  so we got in line and were able to get in with no issues. 

The girls sat down in their seats while I put our bags up. After I got in my own seat, I helped them put their seatbelts on. And after a bit of waiting, we were in the air. Noelle still looked a little sad to be leaving, while Belle looked sorta excited.

The flight was about 3 hours and 30 minutes, so I took out a book and started to read. Belle was talking to Noelle, who seemed to be getting a little happier. After about an hour, Noelle started asking for her ipad. I got I for her and sat back down. She had headphones, sk she connected those in. Belle was peacefully sleeping.

It was nice. I laid back and closed my eyes, listening to music. They seemed calm about it now, maybe it wont be so bad. And with that in mind, I feel asleep, with Noelle and Belle also sleeping next to me. All I had to say was, New York, here we come.

(1409 words)

(A/N: I did this on a phone- wow- also, I think this is one of my longer chapters-)

His Voice ✧・゚:* A Jamie Muscato FanFic *:・゚✧Where stories live. Discover now