Chapter 11

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(I have decided that once in a while, we will do a short Jamie POV , like this chapter! Hope you enjoy it!)

--Jamie POV--

Amber seemed distressed while walking to the theatre. It is technically her first rehearsal, but we already met everybody, and we were all on good terms, so she had nothing to worry about.  

"You okay?" I asked concerned

"I'm fine!" she answered quickly.

I looked at her every now and then to make sure she was okay. She wasn't acting okay, and she seemed fine before... We made it to the theatre and she quickly let go of my hand.

I tried to look at her, but she was already heading towards her dressing room...Was it something I did? Or said? What did I do?

I walked over to my own dressing room, thinking about what I could have done to make her uncomfortable. 

I hung out with her and her nieces...but I don't remember anything that could have made any of them uncomfortable...Maybe shes acting this way because I scared her this, that can't be it, she was fine until...she held my hand...

Does she not like it when I hold her hand? I don't want to make her uncomfortable in any manner, so I'll ask her later when we see each other again. 

I sat down in front of my mirror, and since I have nothing to really do here at the moment, I just scrolled through Instagram. I continued to do that for a while, until someone knocked on my door.

"Hey there Jamie!" Alice Lee, Heather Duke's actor, popped her head into his room.

Behind her was Heather McNamara's actor, Sophie Isaacs. Me and her caught up with each other at the first meet up. It was nice to know I knew someone else in the cast.

"Hey! Come on in!" I said, and they walked in.

We talked about many things. How we were doing, things me and Sophie wanted to do now that we were in NY, our goals for the show...We didn't realize how fast the time passed until they called us all in to do a reading of the script!

--Amber POV--

We all walked out of my room, with everyone else in the hallway, walking to the same room. As we all walked in and sat down, I spotted Jamie talking to Alice and Sophie. I walked past, along with Katie and we sat down together and continued to talk.

They must have noticed us after Jessica walked past them and sat next to Katie. Alice and Sophie followed her, while Jamie sat next to me.

"Hi Jamie!" Katie looked at him kindly.

"Hey there! You guys excited?"He asked us.

"I'm excited for this, but not when I get home." I admitted.

"Why" They both asked me, genuinely curious.

"My nieces will want to know everything that happened today...And when I tell them that all we did was read through the script- They're going to think im hiding something from them!" I explained.

"Im sure you'll be fine! They'll understand!" Katie tried to convince me.

"I don't think so. Ill have to find a way to distract them." I laid back in my chair.

"Well, you better tell us what happens then!" Jamie laughed, knowing how my nieces are.

"Yea, I guess." I looked back at him, then smiled at Katie.

Soon, we began to read the script.

(Words: 550)

(A/N: Hey! Sorry for the short chapter! We will be back to normal chapters soon, I'm just trying to get something out for y'all! Im am now working on the first chapter of my Aaron Tveit book! So, calling all Aaron Tveit fans, look out for my new story, "Believe Me When I Say, I Love You!"! Hope your have a good day!

Best of wishes,


His Voice ✧・゚:* A Jamie Muscato FanFic *:・゚✧Where stories live. Discover now