Chapter 9

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I sat on the couch next to Jamie while we waited for Belle and Noelle to finish getting ready. We didn't talk, but it was nice. A comforting silence.

"Okay! Now can we go?" Noelle ran in, with Belle following.

"Yes, we can." I said, getting up and grabbing my bag.

Jamie got up and we walked out of the house. It was a nice day today. Clear skies, slight wind, and beautiful scenery. We got in the car and put on our seat belts.

"Can we listen to a musical?" Belle asked.

"Um, yea, sure. Which one?" Jamie asked, turning on the car.

"Uh...."Belle mumbled.

"Do you guys like the movie Beetlejuice?" I asked, looking at them.

"Yes!" Noelle exclaimed, while- Belle nodded her head.

"Then we'll listen to Beetlejuice!" Jamie said, putting on the soundtrack.

"Beetlejuice has a musical?!" They both asked.

"Yea, but it's different from the movie. But personally, I think the musical is better!" I said while "Invisible" started playing.

"We'll see about that.." Noelle said.

"Well, where do you guys want to go?" Jamie asked.

We went to many different places, such as the park, a toy store, and a restaurant. And throughout all of that, we had a good time. It was fun, exciting, immersive, funny, everything positive. And at the end of the day, we all just played video games back at my house.

"I win!" I exclaimed after winning a game of Mario kart.

"Can we play something else?" Belle asked, looking at the other games.

"Like what?" Noelle asked.

"How about Mario Party?" I suggested.

"You have it?" Noelle looked at me.

"Yea, I do. Jamie, you wanna play?" I asked, turning over to look at him.

"Sure. I have nothing better to do." Jamie replied.

As the girls started to talk with Jamie, I took out our previous game and put our new one in. I just got it, and haven't played it myself yet, so it was new to all of us. 

"Just saying it now, I just got this game, so I don't know how it works either!" I warned them.

"That's okay! Then It gives the rest of us a chance to win!" Noelle says.

"It's not my fault I'm good at Mario kart!" I exclaimed, sitting back down next to Jamie.

It was quite easy to get the hang of the game. Easy controls, instructions, and good characters. We all were best at our own mini games though. And the 2 v 2 and the team ones... chaotic! We ended up playing in complete silence for a good 10 minutes, just trying to beat each other!

"I won!" Jamie said, holding up his controller.

" Like I said, this game gives other people a chance to win!" Noelle re-stated.

"For once, you're right." I joked.

"Excuse me, what?!" Noelle glared at me.

I just continued to look at the screen, smirking. I was just teasing her, it was funny seeing her reactions.

Jamie looked at the and got up.

"Well, Its getting late, and I need to get home." Jamie said.

"Awwww...nooooo" Noelle whined.

"Do you have to?" Belle asked.

"Yes, I do. Sorry girls, but me and your cousin have our first rehearsal tomorrow." Jamie explained.

"Awwwww....Well we see you soon?" Belle asked, understandingly.

"That all really depends on Amber, so you should ask her!" Jamie replied, chuckling slightly.

"You can come over whenever you want." I said, turning off our game.

"Thanks. See you tomorrow, Amber! Bye Belle and Noelle!" Jamie said, as he opened and walked out the door.

"Bye!" Noelle and Belle exclaimed.

"See ya!" I replied back.

We went back inside and I started to get the girls ready for bed. They picked out their pjs and changed while I started to get my outfit for tomorrow ready. They soon popped into my room after I was done changing.

"Can you tell us what it was like at rehearsals? Please?"Noelle asked, hoping for a yes.

"I'll see. This show isn't particularly for your age." I replied.

"Also, I need to get you guys back into school. So you might want to start getting used to going to bed early again." I said while they both looked at me.

"Awww... I was hoping you would forget..."Belle said.

"Well, I didn't. And you guys need an education! So, you may as well get in bed now, because thats how it's going to be when you guys are in school." I said.

"Fine... But you have to tell Jamie we say "hi" tomorrow! Deal?" Belle asked.

"Easy enough, deal. Now go to bed!" I shooed them out of my room.

"Night Belle! Night Noelle!" I said, while turning of their lights.

"Good night..."They both replied as they drifted off to sleep.

I got back in my room and laid in bed, covering myself with the soft covers. I thought about how fun today was, and how different it was as well. I had some getting used to, but so far, nothing seems bad, it's just amazing. I looked back on my life, and wow. This was a change, but a positive one, and thats fine with me.

(812 Words)

(Hello guys! This is still a little short, I know. But I think the next chapter will be fun, and longer. Hope you're having an amazing day!

Best of wishes,


His Voice ✧・゚:* A Jamie Muscato FanFic *:・゚✧Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora