Chapter 10

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I woke up the next day and Started to make breakfast. I had to get to rehearsals in about 2 hours, so I had to make sure that Belle and Noelle would be okay being alone for a few hours.

"Morning" I said as Belle and Noelle walked into the kitchen.

"Good morning" They both replied groggily.

I set our plates down on the table as they sat down. I had to finish quickly though.

"What are you wearing to rehearsals?" Noelle asked.

"Im not sure yet. I have to figure that out though." I replied.

"Are you guys okay with staying home alone for a few hours?" I inquired.

"Yea, we are. How long are you going to be away?" Belle asked.

"I don't know yet." I replied, finishing my breakfast.

"We can do the dishes, you go get ready." Noelle said, getting up and putting her plate in the sink.

"You sure? I can do it-" I was cut off by Belle.

"Yes, we can do it." Belle answered, pushing towards my room.

"Okay-Okay!" I laughed a little bit,

I got to my room and started picking out my clothes. It was still chilly outside, so I went for something cozy. As I was picking out my clothes, Noelle knocked on my door.

"Can I come in?" She asked.

"Yes, you can." I replied, still looking at my clothes.

Noelle came in holding my phone. 

"You left your phone in the kitchen. Also, someone just called you." She gave me my phone.

"Thanks, Noelle. Are you guys done with the dishes?" I asked as I unlocked my phone.

"Yea. I wanted to ask if we could watch TV, can we?" Noelle asked.

"Sure, you guys can. But listen, you don't need to ask me to watch TV!" I checked my missed calls.

"Okay! And thanks!" Noelle walked out and closed the door.

I looked at the missed call. It was from Jamie. I continued to look through my clothes as I called him back.

"Hello?" His voice came through the screen.

"Hi" I replied, finally picking out a shirt.

"Hey, Amber! How's your morning going?" He questioned me.

"Good, and yours?" I asked back.

"Same. I wanted to ask if you wanted to meet up before rehearsals, is that okay?" He asked.

"Yea, that's fine. Where do you want to meet?" I asked.

"I was thinking we could meet up at the park, and walk to the theatre together." Jamie suggested.

"That's sounds nice. I'll meet you there in... An hour?" I asked for confirmation.

"Yea, that sounds good. Meet you there. See ya." Jamie replied.

"Bye"I ended the call

I grabbed my clothes and changed after I took a shower. After, I started doing my make-up. I never went over the top with it. I always went with something that looked nice, but also kinda neutral. I finished and grabbed my coat and shoes.

"Girls, Ill be leaving now." I told them.

"Okay! Also tell Jamie we say hi!" Noelle replied back.

"Will do. Bye!" I walked out the door.

"Bye" They both replied.

I made it to the park after a few minutes. It was in walking distance from my home. I Looked around and found an empty bench to sit on. I sat down and wait a few minutes until Jamie arrived.

"Hello!" Jamie snuck up behind me.

"On my gosh-Jamie!" I flinched.

He laughed," How are you doing today?"

"Frightened-" I calmed down a bit.

"Sorry! I just thought it would be funny!" He apologized.

I rolled my eyes at him playfully. Sure, it was probably funny, but I get scared easily. Come to think of it, I don't think anybody has actually snuck up on me before...

"Come on, let's get going." Jamie held out his hand for me.

I took his hand and we started walking towards the theatre. We were walking in a comfortable    silence. I started to play attention to other things. The stuff around us, the kids running around the park, the cars on the street, and.. me holding Jamie's hand!

Why does this feel different? I've held others hands before, why is this any different? It's just Jamie- there is nothing between us-at least that's what I know of... I really need to stop thinking about this!  We're friends and that's it!

"You okay?" Jamie asked, looking at me.

"I'm fine!" I quickly answered.

We made it to the theatre and I quickly let go of his hand. I didn't want anyone to assume anything. I quickly made my way to my dressing room, until someone stopped me.

"Amber! Hi!" Katie called out from behind me.

"Hi Katie! How are you?" I looked back and waited for her to catch up to me.

We continued to talk while we both went to our dressing rooms. Katie's room wasn't far from mine. Hers was just four doors before mine, which meant that of course, she got to her dressing room first.

I went into mine shortly after she did. I put my stuff down and just sat down. I still admire the fact that I've made it as far as getting my own personal dressing room in an actual Broadway theatre.

They only wanted to read through the script together today, so we all really just went into our dressing rooms if we wanted some sort of privacy, which at the moment I didn't need. I just wanted to be in there.

I didn't have anything to do, so I just connected my airpods to my phone and listened to some other musicals while I waited to head down to rehearsals. We all still had a good 40 minutes until we all needed to head down.

Turns out that some other people were on the other side of my door, knocking on it. I didn't hear it, so I was very surprised when Jessica, Katie and Evan walked in.

"Hey, what are you doing? We were standing there waiting for you to open the door for a good few minutes!" Jessica said.

"Sorry, I was listening to music with my airpods! I couldn't hear you guys!" I apologized.

"It's fine, we understand!" Katie replied.

"Are you excited to be here?" Evan asked.

"Heck yes I am! I'm so excited!" I exclaimed.

We all chatted about many different things, consisting of Heathers, other musicals, food, etc- And let me just say, I sure won't feel any different from any of them anytime soon. They were all so nice and welcoming. It was amazing to be friends with them.

(Words: 1034)

(200 reads?! Thanks guys! I was going to say something for 100 reads, but I realized it was too late, so thanks to everyone who is reading this! I'm glad you guys like this. If you would like to see anything in this story, or have any other ideas for future stories you would like to share, feel free to share them in the comments! I'm thinking of starting an Aaron Tveit fanfic, so if you are interested in that, make sure to follow me so you know when it drops!

Best of wishes,


His Voice ✧・゚:* A Jamie Muscato FanFic *:・゚✧Where stories live. Discover now