Pt 42(0)

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Week one.

Once you had successfully moved half way across the country, you finally realized just how hard change would be. You would wake up in an unfamiliar environment again, as though you moving to New York wasn't a bad enough change. You'd grab your phone to contact Montana just to soon realize that you couldn't, because she was likely busy. Needing to continue your day, doing chores, visiting your grandmother, who doesn't remember you, working on some random projects to keep your sanity, ect.

Week 18.

You soon began to fall out of contact with the turtles, Montana, even April, eventually finding that they had to go through the hard trials of fighting something called the "Shredder". Donatello told you that Montana had gotten her own glowing weapon, which was some sort of spear. They didn't know what it does yet, but they can tell that the aura is rose gold. You feel unbelievably alone, needing to take care of your grandmother. You were about to start the new school year, needing to deal with more idiots whilst getting used to new schedules.

Week 19.

You just started the new school from the beginning, having finished your last year at home. This was already torture, being questioned about scars, your hair, your knowledge, the growing, newfound muscle that you're building. Literally nothing is sacred to these dickheads. You almost knocked someone out for being a prick about a scar on the bridge of your nose. Things were certainly going awful. Even your new "school counselor" told you to try to "loosen up" in the new school. Well... Fuck her.

Week 25.

You had apparently made a name for yourself, now having had the counselor contact your parents about you needing to try some tactics to "make friends" through a team-building-exercise or two.

"Y/n, I would like for you to find any classmate, talk to them for a bit, then do a trust fall..." The counselor said, causing you to glare and not move. You stared, stubbornly refusing to speak, which you haven't done since the start of school.

"Y/n, you don't need to be scared to talk to me. Maybe you would prefer holding hands with a teammate or blindfolding yourself and letting them guide you to and from your classes for the day?..." She spoke, her words not fazing you as you felt your eyelids becoming more heavy from a lack of sleep.

"Look, Yin."

"What? How does she know that name? This doesn't make sense-"

"-I need you to work with me here. Say something, anything." She tried to reason, dragging your attention up to her face. You made eye contact with her, seeming to chill her as you let your tired, half-lidded eyes wander over her soul.

"You want me to talk? Okay. Now let me ask you something." You offered, earning a nod of confirmation. She seemed almost surprised by the sudden softness to your voice as it traveled to her ears.

"Right. Why would anyone want to be a high school counselor? I mean -follow up-, but who would seriously think that they could make a difference just by talking to a few kids? It doesn't make sense. Is it to feel better about your own life?" You interrogated, making her raise an eyebrow.

"Why do you feel the need to ask these questions? Does it make you feel better about your own life?"

"You didn't answer my other questions. I also won't be complying with the team-building-exercise. I would simply rather swallow rusty nails or shove my brain in a paint mixer." You retort, still holding a disgusted expression. She shook her head, shifting in her chair.

"You don't need to, but the exercise will be graded based on participation. Now why do you hate the concept?"

"I don't trust people and holding someone's hand in sometimes too much even with family. Don't ask why, I'm not explaining it. Also, I don't care if it's graded, once we're back in New York, it'll all be back to college courses again, so that's grades, which are all excellent, are fine." You spoke with a spark of sass. There was more back and forth, but only for three minutes, before you stood and abruptly left.

Week 27.

The counselor tried to get you to do team building exercises, but you never complied, causing her to soon admit defeat. You had been talking to Montana a little bit more, hearing about her attempts in getting Jolene to back off of some new students. You were happy to hear that Celsa and Faren were doing good and that she was in a good place with the boys and April. Also, apparently Montana was trying to fill the role of "annoying enemy" for Donatello while you were absent. She was undeniably successful at pissing him off.

Week 29.

You got a call from Donatello, seeing the notification late at night wasn't unusual as you picked up the phone.


"Hey uh... I'm outside your window. Could you open it for me? I tried texting you, but you weren't answering."

"Yeah yeah, sure I'll get it right-" You freeze up, standing up and checking your computer's security cameras. "-... What are you doing here?" You ask as your eye widen, no longer tired. You rush to the window, opening it up and seeing his human disguise, but with short hair. He must've had someone help him cut it for convenience while fighting or working.

"I uh... I stole the portal Ōdachi from Nardo so I could visit you..." He admitted, causing you to yank him through the open window. You didn't think, just tugging him into a quick hug before kissing him on the cheek.

"Oh- w-wow. Okay. Uh- I-I missed you too? Also... Now I feel uneven." Yellow-hooded boy admitted, seeming rather reactive as you had pulled him in to hug him before. You hear his poor excuse for giving another kiss, immediately leaning in to kiss his other cheek, then, before he could say anything, kissing him on the lips. He was shocked, but continued it by resting his hands on your hips, gently pulling you in. It was a small piece of heaven. A little fracture of normalcy that you hadn't felt since before the odd, future, apocalypse dreams started...

Until you woke up to a call on your phone...

(Word count 1076)

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