Pt 28

162 7 24

As you snuggle against the hoodie-wrapped pillow, your ears are soon met with the sound of knocking on your window. You panic, throwing the pillow, then frantically yanking the hoodie off of it. You swiftly toss the hoodie under your bed, not good enough to completely hide it, but enough to go mostly unnoticed.

*Knock. Knock. Knock.*

"Ugh... Fuck me, man." You groan, dragging your feet to get the window. It was... Monty?... You slowly opened the door, a confused expression on your face.

"Uh? Hey, Monty?" You say, sounding more to be a question.

"I-... Y/n... I-I saw you guys. I was trying to check your location after you dropped off the kids, but then I saw that you were in the Hidden City again, and you always get yourself into trouble, so I dropped Celsa and Faren off at the lair with Mikey and Raph because I was thinking, "Hmm. Where's Donnie?" and Leo saw me and I helped him break into Donnie's lab to see if he was there, and he came with me to try to find you guys, but we got distracted by some bunny-guy and his cute fox friend, and I saw Donnie give you his hoodie, and the way he was looking at you and-" You begin to tune out Montana's rambling, putting your hand over her mouth before pulling it back.

"- Monty. Stop. You. Don't. Need. To. Panic."

"Really? Cause you just sounded super mad just now. I'm sorry."

"Do not be sorry. I made you worried. So you did the only normal thing; Took my kids to my sworn enemy's home, found the brother of said sworn enemy, took said brother of said sworn enemy to find me, and stalk me from the shadows, not telling me until now that you do drop my children off at their "lair" like daycare..." You say, holding an almost unbearable amount of annoyance in your voice.

"I'll uh.., I'll leave... Oh, real quick before I go. I see the pillow on the floor and the hoodie poorly hidden... Don't be ashamed of having a home-made cuddle buddy-"

"- GET OUT, WOMAN!" You shout, grabbing a sock from your laundry and throwing it at her. She dodged it, having her phone up as she took a picture of your face.

"Totally sending this one to your boyfriend!"

"I WILL END YOU, MONTANA!" You throw your empty threat, flipping like a dead fish onto your bed.

"Maybe just hide it with a blanket next time..." You think to yourself while grabbing the hoodie, your arm draped over the edge of your mattress. You turn your back to the door and face the wall, hugging the nice, soft fabric to your cheek. It felt nice... Why not hold it?

*Monty's POV, bc bestie hasn't gotten much attention lmao*

As I get back across the alleyway, my raising suspicion on my best friend continues as I think back to the sight of her location in the Hidden City. I had been too sidetracked by the bunny and oddly attractive fox guy when I went to investigate. I had seen Leo trying to hit on the bunny dude after almost knocking him over. Oh the picture. I need to text Donnie.


(Hey Don *Insert picture of Y/n frustrated and slightly blushing*)

The Purple Guy:

(What? Why'd you send me that picture? She appears rather uncomfortable and particularly seems to be lacking any aesthetically appealing qualities. This truly looks rather unflattering. The lighting could certainly use work, maybe adjusting the saturation of the photo would do the poor angle justice. Don't contact me again.)

As I read his message, I groan, knowing that he definitely saved the picture or screenshot it. I smirk to myself, fully aware that April and I were surely going to do some Cupid work... Y/n would most likely mock Cupid and make a pun of it, saying something like, "Cupid work? More like stupid work. Love is for the weak and unintelligent."

"I wish she'd just admit that she likes him. They need to stop being stubborn and claiming that they're rivals. They obviously like each other, so why not admit it already?-"

(For the fucking plot Montana. Focus, babes.)

"- What was that?... God?... Hello?" I look around before forgetting what I was looking for. I was confused for a moment before going to check on my little sister, Nat. She's gotten too used to Y/n making her anything she wants. A "toy" Bō-Staff that has actually been used to accidentally break a glass. A do-it-yourself lab-kit with actual supplies for checking for disease or infection and a sensor to make sure that Nat wears the protective gear.

"Nat? You good in here? I'mma make lunch, want something?" I ask, soon hearing her feet pattering across the floor to her door. My joyous 9-year-old sister opened the door with a huge smile.

"Can we make mac an' cheese?" She asked, wanting the same thing as always.

"Wanna try something different today or-"

"- Cool mom said it's okay to eat Mac an' cheese for lunch as long as I eat my carrots and greens at dinner." As Nat referred to Y/n as "cool mom" I felt myself wheezing. I soon stopped laughing, now coughing at the title. I only laughed because Y/n has said that children aren't a good "financial decision" and she's already dealing with Bruce and "partial custody" of Faren and Celsa. I wonder how she'd react to Nat technically calling her "mom".

"Right. Right. Cool mom." I sigh, going to the kitchen with my little sister in order to get her some macaroni and cheese.

*TimeSkip/POV change to Othello Van Ryan, brought to you by State Farm✨*

I take another look at the digital photo that Montana had sent me, now groaning as I lean back in my chair. The feeling of the chair against my shell was strange, almost overwhelming at first when I'd sat down. I had lost my hoodie and my dignity.

"That stupid name... Yang? No- Oh. Yin? Yeah. That was it..." I mumbled, sitting my phone on my desk. I look around my lab, feeling very little inspiration at the moment... Why'd I give the hoodie to her? I don't care if she's comfortable or if she's cold. If she's sick or something, I can't fight her... But I haven't been fighting her as much... or... almost at all...

"Hey, Donald? Have a minute?" I hear Nardo ask as I notice the way the portal was illuminating the metals around my lab.

"Yeah? What did you break now?" I inquired, not wanting to waste any time in case he actually needed help with something he'd broken.

"No no! I uh... I didn't break anything... this time. Uh. So, anywho-zerz. I saw you pass on your hoodie to your chica and ya know. Oh! Also, your son and daughter are here visiting again. Monty said they're really tired because uh... Y/n keeps screaming herself awake or something." I hear him explain, now leaning my elbows on my desk. I rub my hands against my face, trying to stimulate myself enough to want to move again.

"Alright, Nardo. You know she's not my "chica" or whatever and those are not my children. You let the stupid bug get away. They're more your accountability. Also, she's screaming herself awake? Do you know why?"

"No, bro. If I did, I'd have said it. I'll tell Mike to bring your kids in. You know you love the little bastards." He said, trying to get a rise out of me. I simply watched as he leaned back through the portal again, about to close it.

"Bastards like you?" I jokingly ask as he laughed a little bit nervously, seeming not to know the actual definition of a bastard... That's my stupid twin... And probably one of my best friends. He pisses me off, but...

"Love you, Nardo."

(Word count: 1344)

Of Men and Mutants (Rottmnt Donnie x reader🍋)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora