Pt 26

140 7 16

*Don-Tron's POV, bc he's drawn his eyebrows on for 9 years*

"So... You weren't trying to bring me in for Baron to kidnap me?..." I ask solemnly, not wishing for her response to come quickly. Alas, my wishes were for not.

"Of course I wasn't. You literally caught me after I'd been kicked off a rooftop without my gear. I'd owe you my soul if I had one." She spat, sounding mildly annoyed at my newly discovered skepticism. I kept my gaze to the ground, refusing to give into the temptation of looking her in the eye. I didn't like eye contact anyway, why would I do it just for her?

"I... I shouldn't have assumed you would be that shallow. I'm... I... I am sor-... So-..." I almost gag at the concept of apologizing for my assumption. "-I am... I'm-"

"- You're sorry? I would be too if I was making assumptions like that." She interrupted, not sounding aggravated anymore. I look up from the ground, finally taking in the sight of her face. Her bloody nose was dripping blood down her lips, causing me to stare, and in turn, think of the day she kissed me. I remember going home just to realize that I wanted to see her again. Having been threatened by her best friend. Slapping my twin. Seeing her again, just to not know what to say to her.

"Hello? Earth to Don-Ton." She said, severely mispronouncing my most annoying nickname as she decided to lick the blood off her lip. I held up my Tech-Bō, using a feature that I'd recently added to pull out a small pad of gauze. I went to hand her the gauze, witnessing her act of defiance and stubbornness as she pushed my hand away.

"Sigh... Let me help you." I verbalized my huff of frustration as I brought the gauze to her face. I had taken one more step closer to her, trying not to study her features too hard as she groaned, reluctantly giving in and glaring at me. I tried to remain calm as her sharp gaze bore into my eyes, causing me to hold my breath for a moment while cleaning up her blood. Soon, I'd had enough of her glare.

"Why are you glaring at me like that? I mean, I get it, I didn't trust you too much. You're my rival, what'd you expect? And I can't do eye contact like that, so why-"

"- It's an intimidation tactic. It's called a "hard stare". My mother taught me to do it when someone starts acting foolish." She interrupted me again.

"Stop interrupting me." I say, not thinking much about why it mattered. She smirked as her hand found it's way to my shoulder.

"Stop making it fun." She chimes, looking me up and down. I feel a heat rise to my face, blinking in confusion as to her intent in her statement.

"Well... uh. You may have bested me on this back and forth we have going..." I admit, pulling away as she begins to laugh, taking the gauze and finishing wiping away her blood. I stare, almost in admiration of her tone as she laughs. She turns to leave, holding her backpack's strap tightly. I followed in suit, thinking about the fact that I had gotten her intentions wrong...

"Why did I let my idiot brother's thoughts on you get to my head? I know that you're not a bad person... Why'd I let his opinion define my knowledge; the fact that you're not a villain?" I wonder as I followed her quietly to a portal back to New York. She sighed, walking through. As soon as I made it through the portal as well, I felt rain tapping my hoodie.

"She doesn't have a jacket or hoodie... only a sleeveless shirt... I only need to lift this manhole cover and go home, she needs to walk around in the rain... giving her an extra layer might help her sustain an average temperature for longer. Maybe she'd appreciate my attempt at being "nice" if I gave her my hoodie before the gentle sprinkle of rain starts to become a downpour..." I find myself lost in wonder as I continued to technically stalk through the alleyway.

"Hey." I finally decided, taking off my hoodie. I quickly toss it over her shoulders, trying not to say or do anything that may make her uncomfortable.

"You're more likely to sustain a proper temperature if you have extra clothing to cover more of your body... You're welcome." I try to place my explanation logically. She looks over at me, a spark in her eyes as she tried to break down her own bashful redness. I could feel the warmth of her face so close to mine as I became lost in thought... and her eyes.

"Oh! I have something for you. It's something that I kinda stole to do some research on from the Hidden City. I think Shin- I uh- I mean- someone said it's called a Cloaking Brooch?" She said, grabbing a pin-like pendant out of a pocket on her backpack. As the rain began coming down slightly harder, I realized how aesthetically pleasing her hair was as it became slightly saturated by the midday rain.

"You stole from someone in the Hidden City?"

"That guy not too long ago thought that you were stealing." She retorted, gently grabbing the bottom of my left elbow pad. She pinned the brooch onto the elbow pad and I watched as smoke began to surround me.

"Whoa! I didn't say to put that thing on me! It reeks of magic and illogical nonsense!" I shouted at her, going to take it off. She simply stared, seeming embarrassed until I removed the brooch. As the small hints of smoke began to enveloped my body again, I shook off the strangely familiar feeling.

"Oh. Yeah, uh... cool. Heh. See ya around, handsome." She said, turning around and practically running towards her home before her face got anymore red. I shook my head, knowing that my favorite hoodie might be soon held for ransom... Ransom... Handsome...

"Wait- Handsome?!" I exclaimed after an embarrassingly long pause. I look down at the brooch, sighing. "Sigh."

"Why'd she call me that?... Is she insane? I'm literally a turtle- Ya know what? Kink shaming isn't that "cash money" of you, is it Othello Van Ryan?... Why'd I just-? Nevertheless, don't worry." I mentally convince myself, trying to keep a calm and collected expression. I turn to the manhole cover next to me, soon lifting it and taking a shortcut to my home.

"Anyone miss me?- Oh, who am I kidding?" I ask rhetorically as Nardo walked out of his room. He was about to flop onto the couch before he noticed me.

"Don-Tron, where's your hoodie? I thought you said that you were visiting April." He began getting skeptical.

"I was... I left it here, April was busy with her friend, I ended up just looking around- I- Why'r  you so pushy?!"

(Leo sipping tea rn)

(Word count: 1188)

Of Men and Mutants (Rottmnt Donnie x reader🍋)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora