Pt 16

222 9 5

*Your POV. Brought to you by the dimbely door*

You feel the cold floor underneath your disoriented and near-mindless body. Any attempt in propping yourself up is useless as you feel something binding your hands and wrists behind your back. Even if you could try, your battered arms and scraped hands would give way rather quickly. As you feel something of concern grip your mind, a sound is heard in the distance. Someone talking in a voice so distorted that you couldn't tell much of the words for a while.

"-make her stronger. That's the only way she'll survive here and be of any service to either of us."

"I don't need her, yet you continue persisting that I do. Worst of all, you wish for me to do you a favor. What do I get more than a punching bag, you illiterate swine?"

"Maybe, if you want the purple turtly-boo on your side, you'll listen and help me. It's not too much is it? This is all I ask, it's simply a little tit for tat. Understand, dearie?"

As the voices ring hard around your cranium, you try to focus your eyes in the dark room. You see some weird vines that almost look like they weren't grown naturally. The aura of this place was too eerie and the overall lighting was too awful. You fought to stay awake, trying to feel if you still had those daggers or your phone. You didn't even have the extra clothes from Mona, you had nothing. You couldn't even get up to look around considering your arms being bound.

"Well... Only this once. Don't think that I'll help you more than this. And I expect my specimen to be here soon. You'll be given a deadline, if it's not met, she's as good as dead. Do you understand?"

"Oh wonderful! Oh, and I can't stand seeing you work, so I'll be going now! Toodles, dearie!" The cheerful voice seemed further away as it continued speaking. You hear the groans and sounds of disappointment from the other person as footsteps are heard approaching the room. You smirk to yourself, trying to remember the fake name you accidentally gave yourself for Big Mama. Your eyes struggle to adjust to the light that enters from the door.

"You-" A large man makes himself visible in the doorway. "-I will only let you out of your shackles to fight me. You may very well die if you don't properly defend yourself. I will teach you defense and offense. You will be my personal punching bag and muse. I will not stop until you can at least tire me out. Do you understand?" The sheep-like man asks. You look around again, feeling the strange bindings loosen.

"First off, what's your name? Second, why do you wanna put me through training? Third, who were you talking to?" You interrogate, locking your gaze on his figure. You glance to his eyes for a moment, a glare of disgust on your face.

"I'm in no mood for your silly shenanigans and poor intimidation tactics, human. Get up. Now, do the one thing you'll be good for, fight."


You're soon smacked against the wall, forced to use a ripped off vine as your defense and offense. Soon, the man has had enough, kicking you in the chest and dragging you by your hair to a wall. He doesn't speak yet, just uses those vines to chain you to the wall.

"You asked my name before. If you must know, it's Draxum. Baron Draxum. I'm the creator of those turtles that you so crave conflict with. You seem to have my most intelligent one, wrapped around your finger. I want him back. That specimen is mine." Baron says, arms crossed over his chest, tapping his fingers against his biceps. He glared, a glint of familiarity in his dark, eerie eyes. You couldn't tell what he saw when he looked at you, but there was something there in his repulsed gaze.

"Look... Baron. I'm fine with you getting him back. Sounds like a classic case of daddy wants visitation rights after the divorce. But I need to know... Why did you clarify that he's your property? I never questioned why you claim to be entitled to the right to your son." You say, looking him in the face with an unwavering and unequivocal expression. He turned away as you spoke with a cold glare and unrivaled confidence. He rather quickly had seemed to shrink into his own silhouette.

"Maybe that uneducated fool was right... Maybe you are worth something." He said as he got ready to leave, opening the door again. You stared, jaw dropping at what sounded to be an insult to you.

"What the- Hey! What does that mean-" He closes the door as he leaves. "-Hey! Baron! Barry!... You and your son are both dicks." You mumbled the last part to yourself as you internally reminisced about your past few months...

Move back to the USA, New York, The Big Apple, from Churchill Falls with your best (and only) friend because of "better job opportunities" for your father: Check.

Start taking college courses and still let your talents and accomplishments go unnoticed by your peers and family: Check.

Start stealing from technology companies and biotechnology firms to provide for your family: Check.

Be flirted with by a softshell version of MegaMind and eventually become "friends" with him: Check.

Get the shit kicked out of you by a bitch from school and be kidnapped by the same bitch: Check.

Get kidnapped by a purple lady and saved by a bunny, goth chick, and country aesthetic-having lizard: Check.

Get "betrayed" by a fox-dude-fighter-thingy: Check.

Almost get saved by your best friend, rival, rival's brothers, and their adopted, lesbian sister: Check.

Get brought to a funny-looking sheep-man who beats the shit out of you again: Check...

"Today really sucked..." You say to yourself as you look around this sensory overload room. You were worried, beginning to overthink... What did he want to get Donatello back for?... Why did he think you'd care? Seriously, like- you didn't even say his name. You did nothing, just accepted your fate. Why'd this Baron bitch need to act like that and then beat your face in again? Like, kidnapping a gal who just wanted to go home wasn't enough?

"Stupid fucking shit... How does this keep happening?... It's all too much..." You think to yourself as you try to keep your heavy eyelids from falling, pulling you into a deep slumber.

(Word count: 1107)

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