Pt 2

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The sound of something breaking catches your attention as you stir out of your slumber. You try to stay asleep because you just don't have the energy to open your eyes. (Relatable)


"Hush Nardo! Your imbecilic actions have caused us yet another major inconvenience and I am not here for it. Scoff." You kinda recognize that voice...? Also did he just say "scoff" out loud...?

"For your information, Dontron. If a certain artist hadn't gotten in the way I would'a caught that flying glow stick!" Lol "Dontron". That's a stupid nickname... You loved it.

You hear these two voices start bickering and getting closer to the window, talking about some "glowing mosquito" that could "change a living organism's DNA"... That doesn't actually sound that funny...

"You mean the ooze-squito! Get the name riiiiii- OhMiGosh. Guys." The voices stopped right outside your window. That can't be a good sign...

"Did it just?..."

"Fly directly into the room of a person whom may or may not currently be inside of said room?... I'd say yes..."

Your body starts to shake in a slight fear that you may need to get ready to activate security measure 1463-B28 in your AI assistant system B.R.U.C.E. R.U.E. (It'll be explained later)

"Should we follow it? Cause... Ya know... Raph kinda said "you better dig yoself outta this one" earlier...?"

"Oh. Our dearest, sweet, sweet, Angelo... hahaha haaaa... Probably, yeah. Ya know... before it mutates someone else into another unrivaled beast of pure evil and violence." The voice says, clearly trying to tell the others to come into your room...

"Fuck... Wait no! I got like... hella illegal shit in here! Fuck!" You think to yourself as the window is slowly opened. You feel Montana shifting around in her sleep and you open your eyes, looking to the window to see what's happening... Is that a firefly on the wall?... Why's it so big... and glowing green?... Wait. No. You need to activate B.R.U.C.E. R.U.E. (security measure 1463-B28) before those people break in so it can be ready to contact the authorities and also possibly set off a small, semi-lethal explosive when you give the command.

"Initiate protocol 1463-B28." You say as you quickly jump up out of your bed, being as quiet as possible so you don't worry your family... Or Montana... Yet... (don't wanna worry them if you can solve the problem yourself) You find yourself staring at the turtle men who are carefully trying to climb into the room. They all pause.

One is really short, about 4'7 and wearing an orange mask... he looks a little bit too young to be putting his life on the line but okay...? One is wearing a blue mask, is around 5'5 you'd guess, and has red markings on his face. He almost trips on his own feet but he saves it by using his sword to prop himself back upright. HE STABBED THE FLOOR!

"Protocol 1463-B28? How impractical. You could've made the voice activation for the protocol something that's less of a mouthful. Now let the genius in to do his work annnnnnnnd-..." You look over to see the purple clad turtle that has tried to stop you from stealing before. Why'd he drag on the word then come to a complete pause? Why's he staring behind you? Is that weird bug behind you right now-

"Mother?... Are they ment to be removed from the premises?" A freakishly deep voice asks from behind you. You feel almost too petrified to move. You glance over at Montana and... uh yeah... She's wide awake and staring at the source of the voice looking horrified with the same expression as the three turtles.

Of Men and Mutants (Rottmnt Donnie x reader🍋)Where stories live. Discover now