Chapter 12

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生徒たちが家に帰る時間です (It is time for the students to depart for home) said Minato while standing by the door. I didn't understand what he said, yet his intense gaze was fixed straight on Senor Felipe. A moment of silence enveloped them, but I sensed a heavy feeling within me at that time. Soon after, Senor Felipe stepped back, bowing respectfully to the soldier before him, intensifying the atmosphere.

"Of course, sir, forgive me," he replied, then turned to me and showed respect.

I slowly stepped out of our classroom, and as I reached the door, my eyes met Minato's, and I felt anxious because Senor Felipe seemed to know something about us.







1942, Miangao, Iloilo

Mariela Rosa,

I have returned, but you are no longer here. I promised to protect you and to come back, but where are you now? Why didn't you wait for me? If you don't come tomorrow, I don't know how I can continue waiting for you. I miss you terribly. Reminders of you are everywhere I look, and they only intensify my longing to be near you again.

If you are reading this now, please write back. If it doesn't please you, then wait for me, and I will return for you. In the meantime, I am living with your memories; they keep me company and prevent me from feeling alone. You are the reason I find the strength to face each day with determination and resilience. I am not upset that you left me, nor am I angry with him for having you. I am writing this to let you know that Minato, your true friend who cares for you deeply, is the same person who is writing this message to you now.

You will always hold a special place in my heart. Looking back, our friendship feels like the most precious thing that has ever happened to me. I will come back, and you just have to wait. I hope that you remain the Mariela I've always known.


I keep thinking about Minato's letter. I'm still finding it hard to believe everything I've learned. It turns out that Señor Felipe Alvaro, my teacher, is Mang Drigo's son. Now that Señor Felipe knows Minato, I realize that Mang Drigo must know too! I'm worried about what might happen. All this stress is making me feel sick. Someone knows about me and Minato, and I'm scared of my family finding out. I know they'll be mad at me.

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