Chapter 8

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"Is Ate Mariela sleeping with her eyes open?"

"Oh no! I hope nothing bad has happened to her."

"Ate Mariela still looks so beautiful; her face is smooth, and her eyes are as deep as the ocean."

"Should we call a traditional healer? Ate Mariela might have encountered something supernatural!"

"Nenita, please call Manang Palmina. Maybe Ate Mariela is sick." I suddenly snapped back to reality when I heard them calling for Manang Palmina. I didn't realize I had been lost in thought this whole time.

"Uh-oh, who are they calling? I'm fine; I'm just resting my eyes," I quickly reassured the kids, and they immediately turned their attention to me.

Now, I'm in the rice field of Purok 2, with Elora and her two siblings, Celestina and Tadeo. We're all in the hut with the kids we were with earlier from school.

"How do you calm your eyes, Ate Mariela? I don't know how to do that. I only know how to calm my mind," the little girl said, covered in dirt from playing all this time.

"It's simple; you just gaze at a beautiful view like this rice field or any place with a nice view," I replied. "But how do we know if our eyes are calm?" she asked again.

My goodness, so many questions!

"You'll know when you suddenly feel happier inside, and you smile because of what you see," I explained once more.

"Jusmiyo, Ate Mariela, I don't get it. Maybe that's something for grown-ups," she replied, wiping her runny nose. Jusmiyo, you're just a child. Wait until you grow up, and you'll understand what I mean. 

That's why I came here, to ease my problems a bit because of these kids. They've made my mind even more confused.

"Well, Ate Mariela, how can I become as pretty as you? I want boys to like me too," the little girl asked with a smile. Oh, here she goes again! She's the one who thinks I'm pretty and keeps asking why.

"I don't know because my face has always looked like this since I grew up," I answered. "But Ate Mariela, why do you look sad?" the little boy asked. I looked at him and went quiet. He's the youngest and the smallest among them. He doesn't talk much, but when he does, it hits home.

I just smiled gently at him and gazed at the rice field. It's true, I'm feeling down because of what happened yesterday. I know Irlo saw us, and Minato felt there was someone else, so he left right away. I was left stunned and didn't know what to do.

All my fears and worries hit me at once. I only remember that Irlo protected me and stayed with me at the mansion until Father came home. I don't know how Irlo felt at that time, whether he was angry with me or not.

"Ate Mariela, how are you? Didn't Ping and the others give you a headache?" Tadeo asked as he arrived. He's Elora's younger sibling. I just smiled at him and let out a sigh.

"They didn't give me a headache... it's just that they're so little, and they ask me so many questions," I replied while gently pinching the chubby cheek of the little girl. The kids smiled and chuckled at my response.

"Oh well, that's how kids are, Ate Mariela," I heard a woman say. When I turned, Celestina, Elora's younger sister, had arrived. She had a bit of an attitude, but that's typical for teenage girls, just like I used to be.

"Ate Mariela, why don't you come with us? We're going to gather coconuts," Tadeo suggested. "Really, Kuya? Are you going to get coconuts again?" Ping asked with a grin.

"Yes, there are a lot of coconuts at the back. Would you like to join us?" Tadeo invited, adjusting the ropes. I simply smiled and agreed to join them. Even though my thoughts were a bit scattered, and I was feeling down, I tried to be happy for the kids.

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