Chapter 3 part 4

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One beautiful morning, filled with joy and hope, I felt alive and inspired by a dream. Now, I stand before the mirror, looking at myself with determination, ready to strengthen my resolve. Today, I'm going back to the hospital to learn how to navigate our situation. I need courage, belief in myself, and trust in God to guide me. As I walked into the hospital, all eyes turned towards me. Some stopped and stared in surprise. But I kept smiling and walked confidently, feeling their disbelief at seeing me again.

"Mariela?" Tia Lorna stood up from her seat as she spotted me. She was surprised and smiled at my sudden appearance. "Thank God you're doing well and decided to come back to the hospital," she said. I smiled gently in response.

"I no longer need to wallow in sadness, as it would only make me more miserable. I came back here because I want to help you," I replied. She smiled at my words and walked towards me, taking my hand into hers.

"The Mariela I once knew has returned, and I'm happy to see you happy, my dear," she said. Suddenly, both Tia Lorna and I turned towards the door. I was surprised to see a woman who, in my opinion, looked as old as Tia Lorna. There was no sparkle in her eyes; her face was serious, and she was wearing the same white uniform as everyone else in the hospital.

"Do you need anything, Amelita?" Tia Lorna asked her immediately. She was about to respond, but then she glanced at me. It was the first time I saw her in the hospital, and it was also the first time I heard her name, Amelita. She smiled at me and nodded slightly. I smiled back at her. Tia Lorna looked at me when she noticed señora Amelita's smile.

"By the way, this is Mariela Rosa, the youngest daughter of my sibling, Raphael," Tia Lorna introduced me. "I know... Good day to you, my dear. I'm happy to see you again," señora Amelita replied. I was puzzled by her statement. We just met and got to know each other now. I briefly stared into señora Amelita's eyes, wondering how she knew I was Don Rafael's daughter.

"My dear, please leave us for a moment; we need to talk," I immediately turned to Tia Lorna. I nodded to her and quickly walked out of the room."

Wondering, it's only now that I've seen señora Amelita, and how did she say she's happy to see me again? Could it be possible that we've met here before, and I just didn't notice her?

"Good morning, Mariela, welcome back."

"Good day, Mariela."

"Good day, we're happy you're back here."

I suddenly turned to the women who greeted me as I smiled and nodded in acknowledgment until they passed by. I noticed earlier that everyone seemed happy to see me return to the hospital. I'm also filled with joy to see them all. I watched the women as they walked down the stairs.

Suddenly, Minato crossed my mind. Where is he, by the way? I saw some of his colleagues on duty, but I couldn't find him. I looked around and searched for him, but there were no Japanese soldiers inside. I decided to go outside, hoping to find him there. I checked the other Japanese soldiers who were his companions.

おはよう"Good morning," I was surprised and turned around as someone suddenly spoke. I thought it was Minato, but it was Yakamoto and Miura instead. The two soldiers who were always with Minato. I was puzzled that Minato wasn't with them this time.

何顔探していますか?"Whose face are you looking for?" Yakamoto asked. Miura immediately whispered to him, 彼女は日本語が話せません"She can't speak Japanese" I heard him say, "Ah! Can't speak Nihongo? Sorry, sorry." Yakamoto quickly apologized and bowed slightly.

Miura probably realized that I couldn't understand the Japanese language, so he immediately whispered to Yakamoto.

"I am looking for Minato, where is he?" I asked both of them. "Minato? Wareware wa shirimasen, no," (We don't know) Yakamoto replied, gesturing with his hand that they didn't know where Minato was. There was no sign of them lying, so it was probably true that they didn't know where Minato was. 私たちは今行きます、中に入ります(We are leaving now, going inside.) Miura said seriously as he pulled Yakamoto, and they walked away.

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