Chapter 2

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It has been a month since Matheo left. Nelly is in America now, while Maya is in Manila. Our father has decided that my siblings and I should study Medicine and attend a university in Iloilo. He wants our aunt, Tia Lorna, to be our teacher.

Tia Lorna is a graduate of Medicine in Europe and is also affiliated with the Cruz Roja (Red Cross) here in Iloilo. Thus, Ama believes that it would be beneficial for Tia Lorna to teach us.

"I've already sent a telegram to Lorna. Let's wait for her response before I send them to Miangao," Father said.

"That's great news, dear. I'm glad they'll be studying in Miangao, so they won't be far from us," Mother replied as they conversed over breakfast. Father's decision is final, so we have to agree to it.

I glanced at my sisters, and they seemed to agree with Father, staying quiet. I'm not sure if I'll like studying Medicine; it's different from my interest in art. If Matheo had stayed here for his studies, maybe I could have talked to Ama about wanting to study art in college.

In the past few weeks, I've been silent and haven't spoken much. I don't understand my behavior because my words don't fully express how I feel. Taking a deep breath, I slowly opened the lid of the piano, an old instrument that has been a part of our home since I was a child.

When I began playing, the music sounded sad to the listener, even though I don't feel that sadness when I play it. Sadly, I doubt my dreams of becoming a famous musician and singer will come true.

My thoughts were broken by remembering Matheo's promise to pray for my dreams. But how can I achieve them without my inspiration?

My playing was interrupted by a knock on the door. "Mariela, can I come in?" Florence asked. She entered the room and smiled when she saw me at the piano.

"How are you?" she asked, coming closer.

"I've seen you feeling down and lost. Is something wrong? Talk to me," she said, sitting on my bed's edge. I closed the piano and looked at her. "Do you not like Medicine? I thought you loved the arts," she asked, worried.

Her questions confused me a bit, unsure why Florence suddenly had so many questions, but I could tell she genuinely cared.

"I am no longer able to change Father's decision," I replied sadly. Florence seemed saddened by my words too, showing her sympathy.

"I understand that Matheo's departure still upsets you. If you're not happy with Father's decision, you can still talk to him about it," Florence suggested, showing her support. She knew about my relationship with Matheo. It wasn't easy for me to accept his sudden move to another country.

As I looked at Florence, I noticed she seemed tired.

She smiled gently, "Let it go, Mariela. Time will help. Don't worry. Maria, Elsie, and I are here for you, and we'll enjoy our time in Miangao." She moved closer, "Don't be sad. Tell me what you'd like. How about a walk today? On Calle Réal or at the hacienda, wherever you can enjoy the sun." She just wanted to see me happy.

I raised my eyebrows at her offer. Did I look so pale and unwell because I hadn't been outside in a while?

I thought to myself. It had been a while since I went to the hacienda. Whenever we sat down, it was always my father's story. I looked at Florence again. She waited patiently. I closed my eyes and nodded twice, agreeing to her idea.

Maria and Elsie said no to our invitation, so Florence and I are going to the hacienda together. Señor Aurelio will come with us, which is good because it's noon and it can be really hot outside. Even though the hacienda is close to the mansion, having a driver take us is more practical.

MARIELA ROSAOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora