Chapter 1

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World War II, also known as the Second World War, is among the largest global conflicts in which nearly every nation participated. The war was initiated in September 1939 and concluded in September 1945.

On December 7, 1941, the Japanese carried out an attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, which served as the catalyst for hostilities between the United States and Japan. In response to this incident, the United States officially joined the war effort and declared war against Japan. Japan had already seized control of a significant portion of Asia, including the Philippines, which happens to be my country of birth.

We currently reside in Jaro, one of the seven districts comprising Iloilo City, which is commonly referred to as "The Heart of the Philippines." It is also occasionally dubbed as the "Queen City of the South," as it is the second largest city in the country. The sugarcane industry is thriving in the area, resulting in considerable wealth for numerous Ilonggo families. Our family, for instance, owns a sugarcane plantation. The economy's growth is exemplified by Iloilo being the first province in the Philippines to have a paved road system. As such, it can be affirmed that Iloilo was already one of the most advanced regions in the country even prior to the war.

I am Mariela Rosa Granada Almanza, the youngest daughter of Don Rafael Granada Almanza and Norma Granada Almanza. I have five older sisters, namely Nelly, Maya, Maria, Elsie, and Florence.

According to the narrative relayed by Ina, my mother, my birth was accompanied by their decision to cease having more children. As such, we are a family of six sisters with no brothers, leading to the conjecture that our parents had lost all expectations of bearing a son.

Our family commands a prominent reputation in Jaro, Iloilo, primarily due to our substantial involvement in the sugar industry, as well as my father's position as a Barangay Captain.

June 27, 1938
(Before the war)

"Mariela, wake up! We need to leave soon!" Maya said urgently, surprising me and getting me out of bed.

Out of nowhere, Florence entered my room. "Hello, Mariela! Good morning!" she greeted me with a smile.

"Do you know what you'll wear for dinner tonight? I looked puzzled because I had just woken up, and dinner was already being planned."

I could hear Maya's shouts echoing throughout the house, calling me to hurry up and join them as they prepared to depart. I scratched my head in confusion, trying to understand what was happening around me.

"Sure, Mariela, mom wants you to go shopping with Nelly for the right clothes for tonight's event," Florence told me while sitting next to me. I was surprised by the unexpected news.

"Sorry, Florence, but when did I develop an interest in clothes shopping?" I questioned with confusion.

Florence sighed "Please hurry, Mariela, Maya and Nelly have been waiting for you downstairs for a long time." I looked at her, still feeling puzzled.

"I wonder what day it is today. When are we scheduled to have dinner with Matheo again?" I mused, struggling to fully open my eyes as the brightness of the room dazzled me.

"I'm sorry if I woke you up, Mariela. But I did mention the dinner before. Can you remember the details? It's happening tonight!" Florence reminded me, and I suddenly jumped out of bed, realizing that the dinner was scheduled for this evening.

"Good heavens!" I exclaimed, how could I have forgotten such an important occasion in my life! I promptly proceeded to the bathroom and expediently showered. Florence observed my swift actions and her expression conveyed surprise at my haste.

MARIELA ROSAWhere stories live. Discover now