Peter saves his mate and unborn child

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Peter was on his way back home driving one of his Shelby cobra's, he had a smile on his face and was ready to ask his mate to become his wife. He couldn't wait to call her his wife, and to see how good of a mother she would become, once the baby was born especially since she was already a kind and caring person.

As Peter drove home, he started to get a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach. He just shook it off, even though something wasn't sitting right with him. He however though, had a feeling to call Shauna so he did. But he frowned slightly, beginning to grow worried about her, when she hadn't picked up the phone. She always picked up the phone for him, especially when he was gone she never really rested, she was always awake and always watching something while waiting for him to get home.

Peter slightly sped up his car, trying to get back home as quickly as possible. Hoping and praying, that she wasn't hurt or captured by these alphas and the witch that had hurt Cora, by poisoning her. A million thoughts ran through his mind, making him let out a growl trying to control himself as he drove.

Once he had made it home, he parked his car and quickly rushed up to the door, only to freeze seeing it open, before quietly nudging the door open. And looking around the house, making sure to check every room, ready to fight whoever was there. Only to hear fighting and struggling, coming from upstairs, along with a scent that made him growl. "It's her!" He thought, making him bolt up the steps quickly to his mate. Peter made it upstairs hiding behind the wall, glancing into the bedroom that had the door wide open.

His jaw tightened as the wolf in him stirred, making his face kinda lift up into a snarl. Seeing his pregnant mate, being held against the wall by the witch known as Jennifer. He looked back around the wall, before growling as his eyes changed to their blue, along with his claws and fangs out.

"Looks like your mates here. Pathetic." Shauna heard Jennifer tell her, as she looked over to the wall behind Jennifer knowing that Peter was there. "Peter!" Shauna shouted trying to get his attention, before feeling Jennifer punching her stomach painfully and trying to choke her. Making her yelp, trying to get her hands off of her as she jabbed her side with her claws. "You ———" She heard Jennifer tell her, til she felt Jennifer let her go making her fall to the floor gasping and coughing. She held her stomach, watching as Peter and Jennifer got into ti.

Peter came out from Behind the wall. With his claws and fangs out growling, his eyes were also blue.

He lunged at Jennifer after watching her, punch Shauna in the stomach painfully and watching her try an choke her

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He lunged at Jennifer after watching her, punch Shauna in the stomach painfully and watching her try an choke her. He fought Jennifer and injured her really badly, even though she escaped he was going to hunt her down and make her pay for this. He turned to his soon to be wife, going over to her and picking her up off the floor. "Baby breathe." He told her gently, not liking how she was trying to breathe and nearly crying.

Peter gently sat her on the bed before, going to grab her a glass of water and shooting Scott a text. About taking Shauna to see Deaton, after explaining to him what had happened. He quickly rushed back to the bedroom, giving her the water and taking away some of her pain. "Th-thank you." He heard her tell him, before watching her take a few sips of the water. He frowned hearing the baby's fast beating heart, and hearing the thumps against Shauna's stomach.

Peter gently without asking, pulled up her shirt to look at her stomach. He could see the bruising from where she had been punched by Jennifer, and he could see that the pup was in pain and now uncomfortable. "How did she get in?" He asked Shauna, waiting for a answer hoping that her and the baby weren't hurt or injured. "I don't know. I was trying to rest. Cough. Then the next thing I know she's attacking me out of nowhere." Shauna said, looking down at her bare stomach groaning softly as the baby/pup moved around a bunch.

"We need to get you to Deaton's. I'm worried for the baby and for you. She'll regret ever laying a hand on you or our child." Peter was going to make Jennifer pay, no one hurt his mate or child and got away with it.

Teen Wolf Peter Hale finds his mateWhere stories live. Discover now