Chapter three. The hale house and Derek hale

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"That's a beautiful name and yours is good too. I'm Shauna." Shauna said, as she watched Derek dig up the hole. "I'm sorry?"

"Your fine, it's just...your whole demeanor and attitude reminds me of her. She was a good sister and alpha." Derek told her, as he gently picked her up and laid her down in the hole.

"Oh. I bet she was, I'm sorry that this happened to her. But it looks like the cut wasn't made from a wolves claws." Shauna told him, before regretting saying that. "I'm sorry, I just...noticed."

Derek looked at Shauna as he buried his sister up in the dirt, he noticed to but didn't want to talk about it right now as he buried wolves bane one to of her grave, after creating a spiral around the grave.

"It's fine, I just don't really want to talk about it right now but I did notice. Accept something tells me, you know a lot about werewolves and about my family. Spill it." Derek told her crossing his arms over his chest, waiting for her to explain.

Shauna sighed as she explained to him what she knew. "I did some reading and research when I first got here, I have always had a interest in werewolves and I wanted to know more about them, I know what happened to your family and about the argents causing it.

I know about the alpha, because I ran into them before you showed up and I came across her body with my brother Scott. But he...he was bitten by the alpha, and I know that the chance of living is a 50/50." She told him, as she explained to him what else she knew which was about his uncle being awake now and about him surviving the fire.

Derek was shocked but also worried with how much she knew. "Shift." He told her, he was suspicious of her being the alpha and wanted to see her shift into her wolf form. "Now."

Shauna jumped a bit at his tone, she couldn't control it exactly, but she took a deep breath and let it out before opening her purple eyes as she shifted into her giant black wolf form.

Shauna jumped a bit at his tone, she couldn't control it exactly, but she took a deep breath and let it out before opening her purple eyes as she shifted into her giant black wolf form

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"Your not the alpha, but you definitely are one I've never seen before." Derek told her, looking up at her wolf form that stood a smidge bit taller then him.

Shauna looked at him as she towered over him a little bit, she stared at him as she then started to calm down but she didn't have anything to cover up with. "Here." She looked up to see Derek giving him her, his black leather jacket to cover up with.

"Thanks." Shauna quietly said, as she used the jacket to keep herself covered up with how big the jacket was. "So....what is the big deal with the alpha anyway?" She asked him.

Derek sighed as he leaned against the railing. "They showed up shortly after my sister died, she didn't come home so I came back here to look for her. That's when I found her like that and heard about the attacks, it's killing people that had something to do with my family's murder." He explained to her.

"At peat it's killing the people that hurt your family, I know it didn't seem like the alpha is doing a good thing, but at least these people can't hurt anyone else.
I mean yes killing is wrong and can get our kind killed, but if someone deserves it there's not really anything you can do besides seek out revenge on the people that have done you wrong." Shauna told Derek, as she started to feel tired after shifting and just wanted to go home to sleep.

"Well...I probably should be heading home, and check on my brother. Is it okay, if I come back by tomorrow and explain what happened tonight with the alpha?" Shauna asked him.

Derek smiled. "I think that'd be just fine, wait what do you mean what happened? What did it do?" He asked her, his smiling falling a bit.

"Nothing, I'll tell you tomorrow. Thank you Derek, it was nice meeting you." Shauna said, before dropping the jacket as she shifted into her wolf form and headed off into the woods to head home.

Peter had watched everything still in his alpha form, he growled not liking seeing his nephew with his mate, but his mate drew his attention to her as she gave his nephew back his jacket before running off into the woods past him.

He growled following after her, he stopped though when he lost sight of her and her scent. He howled, before heading back to the hospital where he was staying.

The next day......

While Scott was at school trying to handle, what happened last night along with unknowingly becoming a werewolf.

Shauna was on her way to see Derek back at the old Hale house, but when she got there at night she didn't see Derek instead she saw the boys digging up the grave and pulling up the rope that Derek had put down the night before. "What the heck?" She thought, before seeing Scott looking in her direction. "Shauna?" She heard Scott ask her.

Shauna sighed as she walked out and over to them. "Hi." She said a bit embarrassed that the boys saw her there.

"What are you doing here?" Scott asked her, curious but also confused as to why she was out here.

"I came out here to see a friend, what the freakin heck are you two dork brains doing?" Shauna asked the two of them, before getting told that Scott had followed the smell and thought that Derek killed the girl. "Of course you'd think that. Let me guess, Derek is also getting arrested?"

Scott and stiles before looked at each other, before looking Shauna confused as to how she knew the guys name. " do you know his name? Is he like your boyfriend or something?" Stiles asked her, while Scott just looked so confused.

Shauna rolled her eyes. "No stiles, he's not my boyfriend. He's a friend, whom is now going to get questioned for what happened to the girl and if he did it. When he didn't do it." She sounded annoyed and irritated, because she really needed to talk to
Derek about her encounter with the alpha.

"Whatever you two are doing, you can do on your own. I want no part in this." With that she walked away and off to go think, she couldn't shift because she didn't have her backpack with her but she did start wonder where and who the alpha was.

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