13. The memories part one

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Flashback to a few months ago to what happened

Peter was at the old Hale house, threatening Kate Argent and Alison. "She looks just as beautiful as you. But probably not as damaged." He told Kate, holding his claws to her throat.

"Say your sorry, for leaving me burned and broken for six years

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"Say your sorry, for leaving me burned and broken for six years." He told her, his voice slightly shaking as he tried to keep, it from shaking so much. "Say
your sorry and I'll let her live."

He waited for her to say sorry, accept when she did it was more to Alison not him. He looked at Alison, walking over to her.

"I don't know about you, but that apology didn't sound very sincere." He said, before getting into it with Scott and about changing. (I don't remember, so I'm gonna say that it's Scott.)

Shauna watched Scott starting to fight with Peter, she growled trying to intervene but Scott pushed her away. Making her slip, and get hurt on something.

She gasped out in pain, feeling a piece of broken glass somehow cutting her. She winced and looked at the wound, before looking up to see a now angry shifted Peter looking at her with a look of sadness, concern and with anger.

Before going to deal with her brother that he threw outside of the house. Peter then jumped through breaking the front window to the house.

Peter fought Scott and the others, trying to over power them but it wasn't exactly working. Since Scott was trying to keep him from hurting anyone,
but he managed to grab Scott and roar/growl in his face. Before getting kicked in the chest by Scott, and stumbling backwards, he hit the ground and got back up.

Shauna was almost fully healed, as she got back up not caring that her shirt now had a cut hole in it from the glass of the mirror. She watched Peter get kicked and knocked to the ground, she stayed out of the fight because she was still healing from her wound.

She growled lowly, with nervousness and worry for her mate knowing what was probably about to happen.

"Peter!" She shouted to him, watching a car pull up and stiles throwing something at Peter before catching him on fire. "No!"

Shauna stood there in shock and looked like she wanted to cry, as she brought a hand to her mouth. Watching in horror as the love of her life and her true mate, burned. "Alpha." She quietly breathed, as she watched him look at her with pained eyes before looking up at the sky in pain.

Peter tried to go after Alison, but Scott kicked him away even though he was on fire. He whined in pain, stumbling away before starting to shift back as he fell to the ground unable to move.

He heard his mate screaming in horror and in shock, before looking up to see Derek hovering over top of him. "You've already made up your mind. I can smell it on you." He said through his teeth, glancing over at his mate then back at Derek as he slashed his throat killing him.

"Ah!" Shauna said, gripping her bond mark area as Derek and Scott both looked at her concerned, but Derek was the most concerned. "I'm sorry Shauna, but it had to be done."

She looked at Derek with her glowing purple eyes, before at her brother then back at him growling lowly. "You have any idea what you've just done! We were bonded, you idiot!" She growled, feeling her wolf starting to take over due to her sadness and pain.

"Now your not, your free." Scott told her, which only ticked her off more.

"Free from what? My true mate! Whom is now dead, because of all of you! I was happy Scott, he never hurt me!" Shauna growled loudly as a roar left her, before she fully shifted into her wolf form looking ticked off.

"Free from what? My true mate! Whom is now dead, because of all of you! I was happy Scott, he never hurt me!" Shauna growled loudly as a roar left her, before she fully shifted into her wolf form looking ticked off

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Scott looked at his sister, feeling bad now but none of them had a choice they had to kill him. He did honestly feel bad for her though.

He watched in sadness and hurt, that she was made at him and the others for what happened. He didn't blame her, but he did feel like she probably wouldn't speak to him after this.

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