At the clinic

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"It hurts." Peter heard Shauna whine, he was now really worried about her since the baby wasn't a baby but a pup, which wasn't surprising but it still worried him. "How far are we from the clinic?" Peter asked Derek, looking at him waiting for a answer. "Not far. She'll be okay, they both will be." Derek reassured his uncle, seeing how concerned and worried he was about her along with the baby. Peter didn't say anything else, he just wanted to know that her and the baby were gonna be alright.

At the clinic....

Once at the clinic, Derek helped his uncle inside, while Scott helped Shauna walk into the clinic. "Why didn't you tell me?" Scott asked Shauna. Helping her into the clinic and to the room, where Deaton was waiting for them. "I was afraid of what you'd say. About me carrying Peter's child. I love Peter Scott and the baby. Peter wouldn't hurt me, or the baby." Shauna told Scott, holding her stomach gently groaning again.

"I know. But I don't fully trust him, and I wouldn't have gotten mad at you. At least not as mad, as mom will be when she finds out." Scott said, as he helped her into the room and over to the table. "Derek little help." Scott hollered noticing that Shauna, was now leaning over the table throwing up about falling off of the table.

Derek noticed as well along with Peter, he set his uncle down carefully, before going over to Scott to help him with Shauna. "Okay that definitely isn't good." Deaton said, walking into the room just as Shauna threw up over the edge of the table. "Relax." Deaton told Shauna, seeing her tense up after throwing up.

"Luna look at me." Peter said, looking straight at his mate using the wall for support, he didn't take his eyes off her. Even after she had relaxed and laid back against the table, he looked at Deaton as he looked at her wound and stomach, before looking back at her.

"The cut didn't go to deep, but it looks like you were just cut with a normal blade thankfully." Deaton said, looking over the wound, before looking back at her stomach seeing the paws moving on the inside of her stomach. "That's strange. Normally the pups don't start shifting til after their born." Deaton pulled over the ultrasound machine to check her stomach to see what was going on, with the baby. "You mind telling me what exactly happened?"

Shauna looked at Peter, as her eyes glowed purple for a second before looking at Deaton. "I taken somewhere, out in the woods close to the bridge. I was chained up and shocked. Over and over again. That was also when I felt my stomach hurting a lot, like all get out." Shauna explained, groaning softly as the baby continued to move around.

"Well depending on the amount of shocks, it looks like it was enough to make the baby shift." Deaton said, as he put gel on her stomach moving the wand around, before surprisingly seeing the pup on the screen that looked to be about two months along. " far along are you?" He asked her.

"A couple of weeks. I started to notice about a week ago. When I felt something moving and I also threw up, a couple of times." Shauna told Deaton, before looking over at Peter and watching him as he looked at the screen, watching their pup a part of him and her in one.

Deaton hummed in thought, continuing along with the ultrasound before pointing out how big the pup was already. "Well they are definitely growing rapidly fast. I would say that you are probably, almost a month in and they already look two months along going on three. You could end up giving birth in three to two months time, especially with this rapid growth." Deaton turned off the machine, gently cleaning off her stomach before looking over at Peter. "She's gonna need your full support and help, I don't want her over doing it. Especially since the pup is already in enough stress, as it is and that is very dangerous."

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