Chapter 9. Helping hurt Peter

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Shauna had her head hung low, as she thanked Deaton again for helping her before leaving the clinic.

She didn't have her car, so she decided to walk home back to the McCall house. She could feel eyes on her as she walked, she looked around being cautious as she walked.

She sighed and shook her head, she just wanted to go home and pack her bag, to go and stay somewhere else for the night.


Shauna eventually made it back to the McCall house, she unlocked the door and went straight to her room before grabbing a blanket, and other stuff.

She didn't want to be in the house right now and Scott definitely didn't want her around right now, so she figured she'd go and stay at Derek's for the night.

After Shauna had packed something's, she pulled up her hood and jumped out the window, before going back to the hospital to grab her car to drive to the Hale house.

But she stopped, hearing a growling from behind her. She smiled as she looked into her car window, seeing Peter in his alpha form looking at her, while huffing.

Shauna turned around to face him, she looked up at him. "Hey big guy, you should be more careful." She told him, as her smile fell as she thought about the hunters from earlier.

She saw where he was looking though, which was at the hole in her shirt. "I'm okay. Just got into earlier with a hunter, but I'm okay promise." She told him, before gulping as he growled angrily and showed his fangs.

Peter grew worried at the sight of the bullet hole in her shirt. But he lost it though, when she told him that a hunter had attacked her and he knew just who they were.

He ran off after the hunters, he was going to make them pay starting with Kate Argent.

Nobody hurts his mate and gets away with it, he growled angrily as he ran around looking for Kates scent and her car.

Peter stayed in the shadows, he was quick on his feet and stayed hidden from her sight. He watched from the shadows, as her car eventually came to a stop.

He took this as the opportunity to jump onto the top of her car, breaking the window and grabbing her arm trying to pull her out of the car.

"No no no no." He heard her yell at him and shout, before getting grazed by a bullet. He let her go and got off the hood of the car, disappearing from her sight.

He was injured and needed a place to lay low and to heal, he decided to howl for his mate and figure out where she was.

Shauna was on her way to the woods, when something in her told her to go left. She turned left and followed where the pull she was feeling was taking her.

She soon parked her truck, looking around to see where he was. When all of the sudden, she heard something land near the back of her truck.

Shauna watched the giant werewolf, as he climbed into the bed of her truck but she could smell the blood. "Hold on love." She said, before hopping out and grabbing a couple of blankets.

Peter was in pain and was bleeding, he laid down in the back of her truck starting to shift back to his normal self.

He groaned in pain as he laid there, before looking at his mate as she hopped out of her truck with blankets.

He smiled softly, at her before groaning as she covered him up with a blanket, before looking at his wound.

"The glaze doesn't look bad, but this should help you to heal." He heard Shauna tell him.

Peter was about to ask what she meant, when he saw her veins turning black as she healed him by taking away his pain.

He gently reached out to touch her face, he smiled softly as he touched her soft skin. "Your skin is so soft." He told her.

Shauna blushed, as she looked at him before shaking her head. "Your wound seems to be healing faster now. I um...I should probably get you back to the hospital, before the hunters find you." She stuttered slightly.

She turned her head and jumped out of the bed of her truck, she felt bad when she saw him frowning but she didn't want to do something that she'd regret.

She closed the bed of her truck, looking at Peter. "I know, what you keep hinting at Peter but I'm not giving in. At least not til your healed, okay? I want to, believe me I do. Just wait please."

"Don't keep me waiting to long sweetheart." Peter told her, looking straight at her before laying down on the blankets and laying low.

He respected her choice on waiting, til he was better but he got hoped that he got better soon. Because he couldn't wait until he was better.

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