Start from the beginning

"Yeah and Maddie. The girl in my history class she is so fucking into me." That catches my attention.

"I am gonna fucking tie her up and kiss her till she can't breathe." He laughs with his friends.

"What the fuck did you just say?" I walk over to Asher towering over him. "Oh two times in a row Beckett this must be my lucky day." He laughs.

"Don't fucking talk about a girl like that." My hands draw into fists.

"I will fucking talk about them how ever I want." He takes a step in closer.

This fucking son of a bitch.

"What you jealous that Maddie talks to me not you?" A stupid grin spreads across his face.

Before I could even think I shoot my fist out connecting with Asher's cheek. The cafeteria falling in silence. A gasp ripples through the air before the crowd erupts in loud shouts.

Asher gets up quickly brushing it off. He retaliates by slamming is fist into my Nose. Some blood gushes down my face.

What Asher said about Maddie made me even more mad. I throw my next punch in pure disgust on how a guy could talk like that about a girl.

Asher winced but tried his hardest to hide the pain. A bruise already forming on his cheek he says. "So you really are jealous aren't you?" Before I could respond I tackle him to the crowd unleashing as many punches as I can.

Two guys try their best to pull me off him. The cafeteria was a blur of chaos as I look around the room. My gaze locks with one person standing in front of us. Maddie.

"Stop Asher." I hear her plead in the noise as Asher runs forward in a wild swing but misses crashing into Maddie's shoulder. Causing a thud. Her head hitting the table before landing on the ground.

"Fuck." I mutter rushing over to her wrapping my arms around her. "Maddie." I call out my heart beating fast.

Olivia and Nate run over. "What the fuck happened?" Nate asks in disbelief. "Just get her fucking help." I look up at him and he gets up to look for help.

Maddie's eyes flutter open slightly. "I am so sorry." I whisper my hands trembling against her skin.

She tries her hardest to nod slightly before her eyes squeeze shut. "Maddie." Olivia pleads. "Stay awake Mads." She holds onto her hands.

This is all my fucking fault.


My eyes open slightly a bright light taking over my view. I shut them once more. "Maddie?" I hear Olivia's soft voice say.

I try my hardest to open them again turning my head to her direction. "Hey Mads." She takes a seat on my bed. I look up to see the beach painting and realise it is my room.

"Hey what the hell happened?" Before she could even answer my eyes flash back to the fight and getting hit.

"Oh my god I am such an idiot how did I even get hit."

"Asher threw a punch in your shoulder. Causing you to fall and hit your head against the table and then the floor."

"Oh holy shit that's bad." I laugh but it sends a shooting pain up my head. "Maddie. A head knock can be really bad your so fucking lucky it wasn't anything to serious."

I look down and see the small hospital wrist band on my hand.

"Wait was I in the hospital?" I try and prop my self up but my shoulder aches as I try.


"How the hell did I get to the hospital in one knock." I try to hold my laugh.

Olivia lets out a small laugh. "Because head knocks are bad Mads don't laugh." She smacks my arm softly.

"Yeah my head is fucking killing me."

"It is meant to get better soon. But Maddie, someone is here to see you."

"Who? My parents?" I ask confused. "No they went out to get you food, it is Harvey. He has been stressing for hours blaming himself."

My face softens. "Tell him he can come in."

She nods walking out the door and soon after someone quickly rushes in. "Hey." he says nearly a whisper taking a seat at the end of my bed.

"Hey." A smile tugs on my lips.

"I was so fucking worried." He sighs. "I am fine, I fell over and I was in fucking doctors office." I laugh ignoring the pain.

"I wanted to take you in an ambulance but the nurse said you are fine." He shrugs. "Harvey how did you get in the fight?" I ask a little interested.

He lets out a long sigh. "Oh it was really nothing."

"Okay I don't believe that. But we can talk about it later." I lay back on the bed.

"Wanna watch the second to all the boys I have loved before?"

"Wait really?" I gasp. "Yes." he nods and hands me my laptop.

I knew we needed to talk about the kiss and what is going on between us but I honestly didn't have the energy for that.

I move to the side of my bed letting him come up and join me. I press play and he leans in close to me.

"Are you okay?" He checks. "Nah I feel like I am going to pass out." I tease.

His face widens. "Okay hold on let me get you some water." He goes to get up but I pull onto his arm.

"Harvey I was joking." I smile and he rolls his eyes leaning back in the bed.


stop they are actually so cute

harvey getting into a fight over her is so hott


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