'Goodmorning sunshine, had a nice sleep?' I asked. The dog just looked at me. I started packing my books. 'How much I'd love to be here longer, I have Quidditch training soon and I have to set some things up. I'll be back tomorrow with more food.' I said, petting his head before standing up. I made my way towards the castle and just before I enterd I looked back at the tree. Snuffles was already gone. 

'CHO, THE SNITCH IS NOT GOING TO CATCH ITSELF!' I yelled when Cho decided to have a break halfway trough training. 'But-' She started before I cut her off. 'No, get back on the field.' I said. 'Break is soon, just in a few minutes, so keep going!' I encouraged. It might've seen as rude to scold my team mates like that, but if I didn't they wouldn't be doing anything.

 'Sorry Y/N.' Cho apologised before flying back into the air. About thirty seconds later she caught the Snitch. 'Okay everybody, normally we would train for another hour but I think all of you did enough for today!' I shouted as my team mates flew down.

 'Thanks Y/N, now I can finish Divination homework.' Damon said, wiping away the beads of sweat on his forhead. 'No problem, y'all deserved it, tomorrow tho, we're going hard.' I said. 'Now, to the showers!' I said. The team said their goodbye's and I started collecting the other balls. Cho had already brought me the Snitch and the Quaffle also wasn't that hard.

 'Need help with the Bludgers?' A voice behind me asked. 'O, hey Woody, yes please.' I answerd. He gave me a warm smile before I gave him my broom and one of the Beater bats. He found one of the Bludgers quickly as it decided to bother him. With a loud *Smack* he hit the Bludger my way. I caught it and trapped it inbetween the ground and my body. The Bludger wriggled, trying to get free, but after a bit of struggling I was able to lock him away.

 'Here comes the other one!' I heard Oliver shout before the same sound as before rang through the air. A few seconds later I felt the Bludger make contact with my stomach, it didn't hurt since I was prepared, and again trapped it between the ground and myself. Oliver would lie to himself if it wasn't a funny image to see me struggling with the second Bludger.

 'Stop laughing Woody! It's not funny!' I said after I saw him laughing. 'It was.' He said, calming down. I playfully rolled my eyes as he handed me my broom. 'If you think that was funny, let's see how much fun you have carrying the chest with Quidditch attire.' I said with an evil smile. He pointed his funger at me.

 'That, my love, is just torture.' He said. It was silent for a second before we both shot into a fit of giggles. 'Let's put this away quickly and then get some dinner.' He said. 'I still have to shower.' I reminded him. 'We can get some food of the kitchen and eat in my dorm.' He said. 'Oliver answer honestly, how many times have you been to the kitchen since I showed you?' I asked. He stayed silent for a second and blinked a few times.

 'Well I went after practise, when Todd was annoying, when you fell asleep, when Percy was studying, when Madame Pince kicked me out of the library, when I slept through breakfast, when I skipped lunch, when I had nothing to do, when I forgot dinner, when I couldn't sleep, when I couldn't find you, when Snape took points of Gryffindor, when I was hungry, in the middle of the night and. . . I think that's about it.' He said. 'That's fourteen times in four days.' I said. Oliver blinked before sheepishly grinning.

 'In my defense, the House Elves are good company.' He said. I shook my head with a smile. 'Let's make it fifteen then.' I said before we made our way off the Pitch


'The fat lady! She's gone!' Ginny yelled in distress. Oliver who stood at the front, closest to the portrait saw the big clawmark streched over the canvas. This was not good. 'I am Headboy, let me through!' He could hear Percy shouting, but the said boy got ignored by all his housemates. 

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