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A/N: This chapter is for my loyal reader @DanielaVanessaQuinto I love your comments and I really hope you enjoy this part!

Your POV:

Time passes and so does grieve. It been weeks since my mom died in my arms. Oliver has been there for me the whole time. Going back to classes were hard cause I had missed a lot, but being a Ravenclaw, that wasn't the biggest problem. With the day more Muggleborns got petrified and it scared the shit out of me. Oliver barely let me walk around alone, because he was afraid something would happen to me. 

I went to the Weasley's in the Christmas vacation and absolutly loved it there. Molly found me wonderfull and already saw me as a daughter. Arthur was so happy when he found out a Muggleborn was going to live with them. He had bombarded me with questions. As Percy had predicted, Molly had tried to set me up with one of her older sons.

 'Bill is a really though guy, and Charlie is more a sweet guy and works with dragons.' She had said. I had told her, politly as possible, that I was in an amazing relationship. 'Oh Merlin, are you Percy's girlfriend?' She asked with wide eyes. 'No Molly, Oliver Wood is my amazing boyfriend.' I had replied. 'Ohhh, he's nice indeed.' She had said with a smile. 'But if the boy ever breaks your heart you can always marry Charlie.' She said under her breath, but loud enough for me to hear, making me giggle. 

Oliver had trained the last few weeks hard for todays game. Gryffindor against Hufflepuff. While I was walking towards the pitch I felt a tugg on my sleeve. Hermoine stood behind me, looking up to me. 'Y/n, I need your help, it's really important.' She said, almost pleading. 'What is wrong 'moine?' I asked. 'I'll tell you on the way, we need to get to the library as soon as possible.' She said with urge in her voice. 'Okay.' I said, while the two of us walked back into the castle.

 'I think I might know what's hiding in the chamber of Secrets.' She said. 'So you mean that you found out what Salazar Slytherins favourite pet is?' I asked her. 'If you want to say it like that, yeah.' She answerd. Hermoine tugged me further into the library. 'It has to be around here.' She said. 'I'll look in the other isle.' I said.

 I started strolling around the next isle. 'Dragons. . . , more Dragons. . . , Snakes?' I said to no one. 'What does this book to here?' I questioned outloud. 'Hermoine?' I asked. 'Yeah.' She answerd. 'What did you think the beasty is?' I asked. 'Snake, why?' She asked. 'I think I found something.' I said. The sound of footsteps approached me. 'Biggest and most dangerous snakes in the world.' I read from the cover. Hermoine quickley grabbed the book and quickly skidded through the pages. 'Here.' She said, pointing to a small patch of text.


Of the many fearsome beasts en monsters that roam our land, none us more deadly than the BASILISK. Capable of living for hundreds of years, instant death awaits any who meets this giant serpent's eye. SPIDERS flee before it and the crowing of the rooster can kill it. The snake, known as the KING OF SERPENTS, it may reach gigantic size and is born from a chicken's egg. Of, from a chicken's egg, hatched from beneath a toad. Creation of Basilisks has been illegal since medieval times, although the practise is easily concealed by just removing the chicken egg from beneath the toas when the Department for Rehulation and Control of Magical Creature comes to call. However, since these creatures are uncontrollable except for Parselmouths, they are as dangerous to most Dark wizards as to any else. Though there have been no recorded sightings of them for four hunderd years in the lower hemisphere

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