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A/N: I have a bit of a writers block so the next parts won't be the best... sorry...

Your POV;

Two weeks had past and Oliver and I were officially a 'thing' now. I did notice that some people weren't so excited about your relation ship. Especially Sammie. Today was the first Hogsmeade trip. Oliver had asked me on a date. 

Emily was walking around our dorm. 'Why aren't you stressing Y/N/N? This is your first date with Oliver!' She said in a high pitched voice. 'You're more excited than I am.' I said giggling. Alyssa agreed with me. 'Y/N is right, we should ask Pucey if he wants to go on a date with Em' She joked. 

'He's not my crush anymore.' Emilt said abrubtly. 'Alyssa hand over the money, I told you it would last less than two months.' I said laughing. Alyssa handed me three Galleons. 'You guys were betting on me?!' Emily said annoyed.

 'We're not the only ones' Alyssa giggled. 'I'm going to murder Simon.' Emily grumbled. 'But Y/N, do you know what you're going to wear?' She asked shifting the topic of the conversation. 'Yeah, just my Ravenclaw sweater and some skinny jeans.' I told her. She nodded and paced around for some while. Alyssa and I eyed each other. Emily pacing around meant that she was in deep thought. 'I got my new crush!' Emily suddenly screamed.

 I was shocked by the sudden outburst and fell of my bed. I heard Alyssa laughing super hard and Emily joined in. I got up from the floor, gave them both a playfull glare and then walked to our shared closet. I grabbed the outfit and put in on. I waited for my friends to be ready to leave. 

We walked talking to the entrance of Hogwarts where we gave our permission files to Filch. I spotted Oliver with Todd and Percy. I dragged Emily and Alyssa with me to them. 'Hello boys.' I spoke in a happy tone. 'Hi Y/N' 'Hi darling' they said. I blushed at Olivers reply.

 'Girl, you got it bad.' Emily said making us all laugh. 'Em, Lyss I'm leaving you guys, say Hi to Jack for me!' I said to them as I walked away with Oliver. 'Where do you wanna go first darling?' He asked. 'Quidditch shop' I said making him laugh silently. 'Well that's where we are going then!' Oliver and I walked chatting to Hogsmeade.

 We walked away from Todd and Percy and walked into the Quidditch shop. 'Okay, I have a few things to buy.' I said. 'I need new gloves, 1 new beaters bat cause Jack broke his one and I want to buy a new broom for Cho.' I said to Oliver. 'Why are you going to buy a new broom for Cho?' He asked.

 'Cho isn't the richest and her mother works really hard to get money, so she can't afford a broom and I might be a muggle but let's say that my mum has a really good job and makes a lot of money.' I explained to him. 'So I thought I could get her a broom for Christmas.' I finished.

 He looked admired at me. 'That's so sweet.' He said making me blush. 'And I have to buy some other Christmas presents, including one for you so when I say you can't look in a shop, you can't look. Understood?' I said. 'Yes ma'am.' He said saluting. I laughed. 'Okay let's get shopping.' 

All the things that I needed I found pretty quickly. I just had to buy something for Oliver. Then I knew it. Oliver was absolutly obssest with Puddlemere United. So why won't I get him tickets for their next game? I made a mental note to floo to the Puddlemere United shop to get them.

 Oliver and I walked out of the shop and walked to the Three Broomsticks. We orderd butterbeer and Oliver insissted to pay. After bit of bickering I gave in. We talked and went shopping for a bit more. I got all my Christmas presents eccept for the one for Oliver. 

While walking back to the castle I thougt of something. I jumped on Oliver's back. 'ONWARD!!' I yelled. Oliver laughed and gave me a piggyback ride back to the castle.

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