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Your POV

I softly tapped my foot against the floor while leaning against a wall outside the Gryffindor common room. It was almost midnight. I could hear the big clock strike twelf. Where were they? 

The portrait of the fat lady opend, but no one came out. Strange. Suddenly a hand clasped over my mouth, so I wouldn't scream. Hermoine appeard out of no where. 'Merlin 'moine, you scared me!' I exclaimed. 'Sorry, but we're using Harry's invisibility cloak.' She explained. The heads of Harry and Ron also appeard. 'Come on, we don't have all night.' Said an impatient Ron. 

Hermoine rolled her eyes and usherd me under the cloak. 'Cozy.' I joked as we had to walk close to each other so we wouldn't be seen. 'auw, Ronald, you stood on my foot!' Hermoine whisper-yelled. 'Sorry.' He mumbled in response. 

We walked to the third floor on the right side and opend a wooden door. The door let to a dark corridor with cobb webs everywhere. We walked down the corridor to antoher wooden door. Harry opend the door, revealing a sleeping cerberus.

 In the background stood a harp, playing some music. 'He's...' The cloak was blown away when the cerberus let out a breath. '...Sleeping.' Hermoine said. 'It looks like Snape's been here already.' Harry said. 'Let's move it's paw.' I suggested.

 We walked to the cerberus named Fluffy and pushed his paw from the trapdoor. We looked down and saw nothing but darkness. 'Okay, I'll go first and if anything happens, you'll have to get out of here.' Harry said in a serious tone. 'Harry, we're not gonna leave you.' I said trying to convince him to let us join him if something went wrong. 

'Does it seem quiet to you?' Hermoine asked. I had a feeling what was happening and I did not want to see Fluffy awake. 'YOLO.' I yelled before jumping down into the darkness of the trapdoor. I fell on some plants and a few seconds later the Golden Trio also fell into the plants.

 'My friends, meet Devils snare.' I said pointing at the plants. A part of the plant wrapped around my waist. This also happend with the others. 'Don't move!' I yelled. 'It'll only kill you faster!' Hermoine said. 'Kill us faster!?' Ron screamed back. 'Ronald, calm down.' I said before taking a deep breath and relaxing.

 I felt myself getting dragged down until the pressure of the plants dissapeard and I landed with a little thud on some stone. 'Y/N!' Harry and Ron screamed. Hermoine landed next to me. 'HERMOINE!' Harry and Ron yelled. 

'Just calm down, we're not dead.' I said. Harry fell down next. 'HARRY.' Poor terrified Ron yelled. 'He's not going to calm down is he?' Harry asked. 'We learned about Devils snare in Herbology.' Hermoine said panicking. 'I forgot the rhyme!' She said. I pointed my wand to the plant. 'Lumos Solem' I said. The plant dissapeard and Ron fell down. He stood up and dusted himself off. 

'Luckily we didn't panic.' He said. 'Luckily Hermoine and Y/N pay attention in Herbology.' Harry shot back, making me laugh. 'Do you hear that?' Hermoine asked. We walked and the sound of wings became more clearly hearable. We walked into the next room. Everywhere flew keys. And I mean everywhere. Small ones and big ones, old ones and new ones. Just a lot of keys.

 Ron and Hermoine walked to the next door. 'Alohomora.' Ron said. Nothing happend. 'It was worth a try.' Trying to save himself from a lecture from Hermoine about how obvious it was that in wouldn't work. Harry and I walked closer to the two brooms in the middle of the room. 'I think we have to catch a key for the door.' Hermoine said, pointing out the obvious. 'But there are more than thousends of keys.' Ron whined.

 'Try to spot and old, rusty one.' I said to them. 'There!' Hermoine said pointing to a key with a broken wing. Harry's hand hoverd over one of the brooms. 'It seems to easy.' He said looking up at me. 'You're the youngest seeker in the century Harry and Y/N is one of the fastest persons on a broom, this is going to be easy.' Ron said. 

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