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A/N: I decided I want to stick with the book a bit more on this one, cause it makes a bit more sense for the story. IF you haven't read the books, it might be a bit confusing, Sorry. By the way, this is one of my favourite memes till now ;)

Sirius was pacing around the room inside the Shrieking Shack. The Daily Prophet layed on one of the beds, his face on the cover. "What an ugly picture." He murmerd, looking at the newspaper. If you are wondering how he got out of Azkaban, well most people do. Sirius had waited until he was skinny enough to fit through the bariers and then turned into his Animagus form.

 A black dog. He was one of the people who wasn't registerd. Others questioned why he hadn't gone all crazy. The thought that we was innocent kept him sane. "I know he's in there, I've seen him." Sirius murmerd. "I want to kill him so bad." He growled before sitting down on the bed. In a fit of rage he threw the newspaper that had layed next to him through the room. It made contact with one of the walls before gravity did its job.

 "I need to get into contact with that girl again." Sirius mumbled. She had been giving him daily food, which he was thankfull for. "Miauw." Sirius jumped up and let out a small shriek. In the doorpost stood a cat. It was orange and had a weird nose. It jumped up on the bed and started purring. Sirius grinned as an idea made way into his mind. 

"You're stupid thing, that you call a cat, is trying to eat Scabbers!" Ron exclaimed, holding Scabbers in the air so Crookshanks couldn't reach him. "It's not my fault! It's his instinct!" Hermoine shot back. Ron glared at the cat before turning to its owner. "I don't care if it is his instinct, he's trying to kill my rat!" He said.

 Harry looked at his friends with a bored expression. "How long has this been going on?" Y/N whisperd from next to him. "The moment the cat arrived, but it became worse a few days ago." Harry murmerd, as Crookshanks started to climb up Ron, digging his claws in the Weasley's leg, trying to get closer to the rat. 

"Get off me you ugly beast, I'm going to kick you!" Ron threatend, as he started shaking his leg, trying to get the orange monster off him. "I must admit, it looks so funny." Y/N whispered, making Harry snort, to which her earned a glare from his best friend. "Don't hurt him Ronald!" Hermoine shrieked when Crookshanks went flying. Hermoine quickly followed after the cat who ran out of the Great Hall.

 "It is unbelieveble. Three years of friendship and she checks up on the cat while I have clawmarks on my leg from that horrible monster." Ron mumbled, sitting down and putting a shaking Scabbers in his pocket. "See, he's shaking! That stupid orange monster." Ron said as poor Scabbers was shaking wildly in his pocket.

 "Ron, how old is Scabbers again?" Y/N asked. "12 years I think, I got him from Percy when he got Hermes, his owl, from mom and dad since he became a Prefect." Ron said. Y/N hummed, deep in thought. "Y/N, have you heard what happend in our Care of Magical Creatures class?" Harry asked. "No, why?" She asked him.

 "You might know Hagrids brought a Hippogriff to class." Harry started before Y/N cut him off. "Buckbeak, I know, I got to ride him." She said with a smile, reminding the event. "Well, umm, Malfoy was being stupid and insulted him. . . And then his arm got slashed." Harry said. 

"Wait, it that the reason I heard a few people reciting 'It's killed meh, it's killed meh?" I asked, stiffling a laugh. Harry let out a laugh at my mimicking and Ron forgot about his injuries for a second and joined out laughter. Harry suddenly fell silent. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Malfoy's dad has brought Buckbeak for the council." He sad in a saddend tone. "Oh shoot, how's Hagrid doing?" I asked worriedly for the game keeper. "Don't know, I am not allowed to go outside because of Black." Harry said.

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