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I messed up the time line! Woohoo! I was half way done when I reaslised I skipped the enitre part of the flight of the fat Lady, so I've put that somewhere inbetween. Apologies!

Your POV:

I was seated under a tree near the Black Lake, making some homework. It was calming here. Sometimes the Squid showed on of his tentacles or a mermaids tail could be seen. Calming. A small breeze made my hair flutter.

 I grabbed my bag and pulled my sandwiches out of it. I started eating while scanning over my homework. It was for Transfiguration, about Animagi. I had to know the intire process of becoming one, as that would be a logic question for my N.E.W.T's. (Am I the only one who just reads Newts? Like Newt from the maze runner multiplied?) I felt something sit down next to me. It was the same black dog that I had seen in Hogsmeade.

 'Hey buddy.' I said, petting him. He started swinging his tail. 'You like that don't you, don't you.' I cooed. I noticed the dog was quite skinny. 'You hungry buddy?' I asked. He couldn't respond, cause you know, just like Chincilla's, dog can't talk. He tilted his head, making my heart melt. 

'You're such a cutie, here you can have my lunch, I already had some.' I said, giving him my two remaining sandwiches. 'Here you go buddy.' I said, feeding the dog the sandwiches. The dog scarfed down the sandwiches, making me giggle. 'I need to give you a name.' I said thinking out loud. I always had a good relationship with animals. Sometimes you just need someone to talk to who doesn't talk back. (I was bothering my cat with my life problems and she just left. She looked at me, stood up and walked out of my room. Don't know if you care but I thought it was pretty funny

'Snuffles, that seems fitting.' I said as the dog was rummaging through my bag. 'There's nothing interesting in there, except if you want to make my Transfiguration homework. We're doing Animagi now.' I said. Snuffles's head perked up.

 'On the list are only 7 registed Animagi.' I said, furrowing my eyebrows. 'Seven? Just seven, there has to be a few that aren't registerd right?' I asked Snuffles. For a second it looked like he nodded but that might have been my imagination. 'I would love to be an Animagus, just slip out of the castle and run around in the night. I'm awake anyway, Insomnia kicking in.' I said to Snuffles.

 Snuffles placed his head in my lap and I stared stroking the furr on his head. I opend my ink pot and grabbed my quill. 'Revising is so boring.' I mumbled while writing down about the ministry keeping by who were Animagi and which form they had. 'Ha, Minnie's on the list.' I laughed. Snuffles barked, joining me in laughter.

 'So, finished Transfiguration, moving on to Potions.' I said. Snuffles tilted his head looking at me. 'Snape's a dick, seventh year is revising of the N.E.W.T's not learning about stupid Amortentia.' I grumbled. I think Snuffles agreed with me cause he nodded his head. 'But further more, potions is duable, I'm doing advanced potions, need it for becoming an Auror.' I said. Snuffles seemed to be listening to me.

 'I am happy tho, that I kept Care of Magical Creatures, Hagrid brought a Hippogriff to class and I got to ride it, it was awesome!' I said happily. 'I also have my next Quidditch game soon, against Slytherin.' I said. 'I'm planning on destroying them, since their captain stole Stick, my Chincilla.' I said, looking down at Snuffles.

 He had put his head in my lap again and was softly snoring. I smiled. I went back to focusing on my potions homework. Half a hour later I finished the 15 questions I had to make. I sighned in delight as I put the book aside and looked over the Black Lake. I closed my eyes and let the wind play with my hair. A few minutes later Snuffles started to wake up.

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