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4th time. Jisoo's ringtone buzzed through the silence in the car for the 4th time within ten minutes.

"You should pick it up mam.", Jungkook said while giving her a side eye through the rear view mirror. Taehyung who was sitting at the passenger seat in front circulated his eyes. Both of them knew who exactly was calling her.

"Erm, it's fine. It's just spam calls.", she nervously laughed it off.

"We'll take a different route to the airport. The usual one seemed to have some construction going on. And yeah the new route doesn't have much signal so you should call Namjoon hyung I think.", Taehyung suggested.

"Oh? Okay I'll tell him.", she grabbed out her phone and called Namjoon.

She didn't loved doing it. Lying, cheating, causing a mess. She did it for pleasure and but soon realised that she was actually never happy. The bond of friendship is stronger but the bond of trust is like a weak string. Once cut off, it won't go back to as it is. It'll always have a knot tied, a knot that'll remind her of her deeds.

"Hello Joon."

"Hello Soo, have you reached?"

"Not yet. Tae told me they're taking some other route as the usual one is busy. And there's not much signal up there so I thought I should tell you beforehand."

"Right...But do call me when you reach hm?"

"I will. Don't worry."

"Yeah, love you Soo."

"Love you too.", the 4 letter words weighted more than 40 pounds on her tongue. The lie she once lived in is now shattering her.

"Oh and Joon why did uncle called you so suddenly?"

"I'll tell you later. It's...fine. Nothing very serious."

"Okay, bye."

After driving for about fifteen minutes on the silent road, Jungkook stopped the car on the side of the road. No other car was passing buy. The road was surrounded by dense forest from both the sides making it look more sketchy.

"Why did we stopped?", she asks.

"You will know.", Taehyung stepped out of the car and opened the door for Jisoo. He sat down at the backseat while she was still unable to process their actions.

"Taehyung? What are you-", her tone gets deeper.

"Give me your phone."

"Huh? I'm not-", not letting her complete, Taehyung snatched the phone from her hands.

They found out...

"Taehyung give it ba-", he held both of her wrists with his one hand and took out a handkerchief from his pocket placing it on her mouth. She struggled to free herself but Taehyung's grip being much stronger, Jisoo soon felt unconscious.

"Keep driving.", he ordered Jungkook and he started driving again.

Taehyung tried to open the phone but obviously it was locked. Fortunately it had a fingerprint password. He took her thumb and placed it on the sensor.

"Fuck yes!", he exclaimed.

21 missed calls from Senior Doc.

"She has 21 missed calls from a doctor. Of course, doctor."



"What if she is not who we think she is? Namjoon hyung would be so mad at what we have done.", he spoke out his concern which was infact understandable.

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